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Is there anyone the Bitters can call on that has any credibility?

Casual Bystander

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With the 3 Tory Lords who were chucked out of Scotland at the ballot box almost 20 years ago after delivering the Poll Tax, the warmongering John Reid and Gordon Brown the Prime Minister that will forever be known as the man who blindly walked into the financial crisis all know batting for the Union, is there any politician that the nodrones can look upon as having any credibility?

That lot almost makes Jim Murphy look like Gandhi!

The only politicians I think that is left is wee ginger Charlie, if they can keep him off the sauce, or perhaps Lord Steel, but as both are Liberals and with Clegg selling the Liberals claim to credibility down the Thames for the chance to bask in Cameron's glory I'm not sure either of them are that good either.

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I'd like to think that Charles Kennedy might be voting yes just because I really quite like the guy. I wish the three no parties members were given a free vote on this rather than having to toe the party line. Would be interesting to see if any of them would be voting yes.

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I'd like to think that Charles Kennedy might be voting yes just because I really quite like the guy.

Personally he is a nice lad. An absolute lush though. If you get him in a lock in with a few whiskies down him he's very good company. Problem is he like the water of life just a little too much for a high ranking politician, or at least he liked it too much in public.

Steel has too much baggage after the Cyril Smith scandal.

Good point.

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I'd love Boris to come up to tell the people of Shettleston that they'll be better economically served by ploughing more money into London.

I would love to have found out who would have had to pay for Boris's airport if it had got the green light.

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Why has the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland not been part of the open debate in Scotland, to challenge the rabid Yes campaign! The Most important vote in our current history!? Yes he would receive a hate filled welcome from the seperatists as a posh Tory English Twat, but his skills as an orator have been sadly missing from the No campaign!

I'm not a fan but his voice, his position and stature as the PM should have been openly heard in Scotland!

Sadly he would have been hassled & jostled every step of the way!! The SNP sheep followers would have seen to that!!

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I'd like to think that Charles Kennedy might be voting yes just because I really quite like the guy. I wish the three no parties members were given a free vote on this rather than having to toe the party line. Would be interesting to see if any of them would be voting yes.

He'd have a cheek voting YES, he's been the BT stooge at PMQ's for months now.

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Why has the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland not been part of the open debate in Scotland, to challenge the rabid Yes campaign! The Most important vote in our current history!? Yes he would receive a hate filled welcome from the seperatists as a posh Tory English Twat, but his skills as an orator have been sadly missing from the No campaign!

I'm not a fan but his voice, his position and stature as the PM should have been openly heard in Scotland!

Sadly he would have been hassled & jostled every step of the way!! The SNP sheep followers would have seen to that!!

^^^ actual tears ^^^

He shat it months ago when he came out with the "this is a matter for Scotland" line. He didn't want to come up then because he was serenely expecting a no-contest vote. He won't come up now because it would signal complete panic and render his earlier statement completely open to ridicule. He did of course address the CBI and even there he got his arse to play with from a number of them.

The No campaign is fucked.

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Why has the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland not been part of the open debate in Scotland, to challenge the rabid Yes campaign! The Most important vote in our current history!?

Have you forgotten about this Scottish lovebomb hiding behind a lectern in London?

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Why has the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland not been part of the open debate in Scotland, to challenge the rabid Yes campaign! The Most important vote in our current history!? Yes he would receive a hate filled welcome from the seperatists as a posh Tory English Twat, but his skills as an orator have been sadly missing from the No campaign!

I'm not a fan but his voice, his position and stature as the PM should have been openly heard in Scotland!

Sadly he would have been hassled & jostled every step of the way!! The SNP sheep followers would have seen to that!!

I have posted quite a few times that NO would rue Cameron not debating, too late to greet about it now, you and the rest of the shower were lalalalalaing it all when you all stupidly thought this was a walkover.

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So, we have an unholy alliance of .. Farage, Darling, Brown and Rifkind.

Jesus, talk about a parcel of rogues.

You forgot to add BNP,SDL and the Orange Order. Fechin it I should be voting no (-:

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