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Independence V Interdependence?


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Can anybody explain why Interdependence is better than Independence?

It's a pointless play of words. We'll be interdependent whether Scotland is an independent country or not. Just another idiot playing dumb, acting as if independence means shutting Scotland off from the world.

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It's a pointless play of words. We'll be interdependent whether Scotland is an independent country or not. Just another idiot playing dumb, acting as if independence means shutting Scotland off from the world.

In the true sense of the words what on offer is not independence but one view of interdependence versus another view of interdependence.

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EU membership, Nato membership and Currency union/Sterlingisation are all ways in which independence in the true sense of the word is undermined.

No country these days is truly independent.

Yes how are we Independent when the house of lords peers ride rough shot over Scots law.who we never elected?

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EU membership, Nato membership and Currency union/Sterlingisation are all ways in which independence in the true sense of the word is undermined.

No country these days is truly independent.

So we'll be as independent as everyone else ? Fantastic.

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