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Imagine countries are football teams


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Imagine that countries are football teams. At the moment we're in team UK. I know there's no actual UK team but this is an analogy. We're not doing as well as we used to. There are a lot of really good, really hungry new teams around eg China, India. But team UK is soldiering on like most teams do, still doing OK although there are problems no doubt.

Any manager would tell you that the single most important thing is morale. All the players have to pull together and play effectively as a team. Even if you have some good players they're not going to do much if they're all just out for individual glory, or if they don't get on.

In the actual UK let's say half the Scottish population, about 2.6m out of 64m, really aren't happy and want out - a transfer or whatever. That's the equivalent of 0.45 of a player in a team of 11. Having this schizo player in the team could sure do a lot of damage and you'd be better off without him, but once he'd gone you'd be fine without him.

What about team iScotland? How's morale? Well, half the f---ing team don't want to be there. Not going to be good. Really not good at all, ask any football manager. Total disaster. Also quite a few of your best (best paid) players are probably going to leave and join team rUK because that's where the big money is. Also that will continue for ever, your best talent is going to be poached by team rUK because that's where the big money is.

P.S. I know someone's going to say that the best players leave Scotland anyway. But this is an analogy. In the real world Scots who go to London to make their fortune are still in the same country, so they're contributing to the same economy, still paying taxes some of which come back to us. The Barnett formula sort of addresses that. In iScotland they'd just go and all their energy and taxes would go to team rUK. Etc etc.

Imagine Countries are statues of 90s Pop Stars carved out of cheese. Now imagine that Jamiroquoi's stupid Feta Cheese hat is removed from his stupid Gorgonzola head. That is exactly what Independence means in the real world.

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If countries we're football teams? ok lets take a look at this using individuals and the UK

England would be the 20th best country in the world

Scotland would be 28th

Northern Ireland would be 95th

Wales would be 41st

So iScotland would be the 28th best Football nation in the world and rUk would be 53rd (from 46th)


Whats not to like?

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