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Salmond absolutely trounces Darling in the popularity polls.

Casual Bystander

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Despite a disappointing set of results from the latest Opinium poll, if you bury down below the headline figures and look at the popularity of the leaders of the separate campaigns then you can see the effect of all that negativity and fear mongering from the Bitter campaign, while the positivity of the Yes campaign has shone through with the popularity of Salmond twice that of Darling (and with Sturgeon only a few points behind her leader).

When asked who has performed the best in this campaign:

  • Salmond - 51%
  • Sturgeon - 48%
  • Darling - 25%
  • Brown - 24%
  • Cameron - 13%
  • Miliband - 10%

Surely this tells a story all of it's own, and demonstrates that if the positive message reaches people it negates the constant sniping and bitter derisions coming from Westminster and their Northern finger puppets.

What must be a real worry for Miliband is that while, like King Cnut, he has tried to turn back the tide of Labour voters haemorrhaging to the Yes vote his popularity has absolutely plummeted.

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Miliband has been an utter disaster. Miliband in charge of Labour, Lamont in charge of Scottish Labour. What a fucking shambles of a party.

Salmond has been masterful at times throughout this campaign. With fair media coverage. we would have horsed this referendum.

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