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The Last BBC Scotland "Big Debate" Programme (20:00 - BBC1)

Casual Bystander

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I don't actually know any personally in favour of independence. Not much of a surprise though when I saw on TV a few nights back that something like 93% of people who voted Tory at the last election planned on voting NO.

My hope would be that a centre-right party with similar ideologies to the Tories, but free of any Thatcher-type stigma would possibly do not bad in an independent Scotland.

I'd like to see what the centre right can offer in an independent Scotland. I've been impressed by Scottish tory leaders in the last ten years, and until this campaign I had respect for Alexander as a leader too.

I reckon there are still a lot of tartan tories in the snp who will switch to a new party, hopefully if sturgeon moves the snp slightly more to the left when she becomes leader.

Like granny danger says, the political realignment will be fascinating. You can see why the wm parties are terrified.

As a socialist I don't want to see a centre right govt but I think independence holds a lot of positives for people from across the spectrum.

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I'd like to see what the centre right can offer in an independent Scotland. I've been impressed by Scottish tory leaders in the last ten years, and until this campaign I had respect for Alexander as a leader too.

I reckon there are still a lot of tartan tories in the snp who will switch to a new party, hopefully if sturgeon moves the snp slightly more to the left when she becomes leader.

Like granny danger says, the political realignment will be fascinating. You can see why the wm parties are terrified.

As a socialist I don't want to see a centre right govt but I think independence holds a lot of positives for people from across the spectrum.

When I was politically active the term 'tartan Tory' had some merit. Gordon Wilson (now a sky fairy activist) was certainly not a socialist. I'm sure the SNP still has right of centre members but there can be few policy issues where they are to the right of Labour

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Tbh, the modern far right does make up a decent community within Scotland, we can't pretend they don't exist and they should be represented as much as anyone else.

I don't think anyone is pretending they don't exist. Go read back my comments on how the Conservatives could flourish in an independent Scotland if they weren't so weighted down by out of date ideology.

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Theres way too much activity on here for any of us to catch every comment and remember who posted it but if you agree then good.

As things stand, are the Conservatives the most under represented party at Westminister? It may well be the SNP but as a % it surely has to be Tories.

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Hosie a horrible sneering bawbag, in fact one of the most dislikeable politicians I've ever seen, and that was the first time I've seen/heard him.

Felt exactly the same.

Like you, the first time I'd seen him on any of the debates and he came across as a disrespectful, arrogant c**t of a man.

I also wish Elaine C Smith would give the "working class Glesga" act a fucking rest

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It's dreadful. She should stick to using it on The Steamie.

She made a point in one of the debates, telling all how low the life expectancy age of a man from the East end of Glasgow was and conveniently blamed it on poverty caused by the present government.

What she failed to highlight ,is there are many countries who have higher levels of poverty than Scotland, but where the life expectancy rate is much higher.

She forgot to mention the probable main causes for such a low life expectancy in the East end just could be to do with alcohol,drugs,smoking,shit diet and generally a very unhealthy lifestyle

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Theres way too much activity on here for any of us to catch every comment and remember who posted it but if you agree then good.

As things stand, are the Conservatives the most under represented party at Westminister? It may well be the SNP but as a % it surely has to be Tories.

From Scottish results in 2010 election:

Labour - 1,000,000 (41 seats)

Lib Dems - 465,00 (11 seats)

SNP - 491,000 (6 seats)

Tories - 413,000 (1 seat)

The wonders of FPTP!

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From Scottish results in 2010 election:

Labour - 1,000,000 (41 seats)

Lib Dems - 465,00 (11 seats)

SNP - 491,000 (6 seats)

Tories - 413,000 (1 seat)

The wonders of FPTP!

Yip, no wonder the Tories oppose FPTP!

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