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Remember - A No vote is..


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..a Yes to Westminster and a FULL endorsement to impose the following on Scotland:

Zero hours contracts

Unending austerity


A bill for HS1 & 2/ Crossrail/ London sewer

Record numbers of families in poverty

Governments we didn't vote for

Economic inequality

EU Referendum

Democratic deficit

NHS Privatisation

Illegal wars

Paid for education

Low wage economy

Lack of housing

Lack of rights for workers

UK's failing economy

Fuel poverty

Privatisation of assets

Neo-liberal politics

New Labour - Tories in red ties

Lack of political change


Unfair taxation



Expensive childcare

If you vote No, you are saying Yes to all of the above. Think it through. A No vote is not a vote to take Scotland forward.

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In the event of a Yes success, a vote for no means "a day of reckoning for all those who vote no" - flashback to 1930's Germany, Salmond + Sillars (the new SS) telling kids to shop their parents in, SNP labour camps, a 1 party state (cos how can you possibly vote for any other party that supports the Union), the "oil-rich" North-East working their fingers to the bone to subsidise an aging population and the poorer more deprived areas of Scotland. Fantastic.

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In the event of a Yes success, a vote for no means "a day of reckoning for all those who vote no" - flashback to 1930's Germany, Salmond + Sillars (the new SS) telling kids to shop their parents in, SNP labour camps, a 1 party state (cos how can you possibly vote for any other party that supports the Union), the "oil-rich" North-East working their fingers to the bone to subsidise an aging population and the poorer more deprived areas of Scotland. Fantastic.

Not only was Sillars "day of reckoning" aimed at businesses, he admitted later on, he only said it to get on the telly.

Double fail.

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In the event of a Yes success, a vote for no means "a day of reckoning for all those who vote no" - flashback to 1930's Germany, Salmond + Sillars (the new SS) telling kids to shop their parents in, SNP labour camps, a 1 party state (cos how can you possibly vote for any other party that supports the Union), the "oil-rich" North-East working their fingers to the bone to subsidise an aging population and the poorer more deprived areas of Scotland. Fantastic.

Not sure if legit.

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Not only was Sillars "day of reckoning" aimed at businesses, he admitted later on, he only said it to get on the telly.

Double fail.

Not the only "tongue in cheek" banter tele-talk line again.

Stand by the one party argument line. :rolleyes:

Not to mention the East/West split post referendum.

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