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so what new powers are in the timetable


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So what new powers are in the timetable and the Con/Lab coalition pledge?

Have we really been promised anything in reality?

Nobody knows...and 55% of people voted for an unspecified promise.

It all has a ring of 1979 about it.

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We're off to a rank bad start. Lord Smith of Kelvin has lots of previous form as an arch-Unionist and has obviously been selected as a very safe pair of hands to place round Scotland's throat whilst projecting a suitably urbane and business-like image.

A patch of very long grass will be being selected right now.

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This article is worth a look:


This referendum may have ended one debate in Scotland - for now. It has, however, lit the touchpaper on the explosive question of where power lies in the UK

The bombshell from Cameron was that he actually appears to want to go down the path of "English votes for English laws". This whole turgid debate is going to drag on and on and the final destination is probably independence in another couple of decades.

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The new powers are.....

More devolution for Wales and NI.

An English Parliament

Scottish MPs to be banned from voting on English topics. (This I agree with btw)

They have asked a Lord to oversee it FFS. We will get F All. They wilk think its not broke so why fix it.

Well done. Spineless idiots

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