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Ross. last won the day on July 23 2015

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    Zofingen, Switzerland
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  1. Quite a comedown for the guy who stated his bands debut album was better than Bob Dylan’s.
  2. Seen them a few times in the last 5 or 6 years. They supported GnR on one of their tours. Not to everyone’s taste but they are a phenomenally good live band. The Auteurs. They seemed to be constantly talked up in the press in the mid to late 90’s but they never actually done anything as I recall it. The lead singers book is a decent read, all the same. Linked to that, Kula Shaker. A few decent songs and one cracking cover, then absolutely f**k all. Johnny Borell/Razorlight. 2004ish the c***s were everywhere. Second album was hyped beyond all reason. Now nothing. Should have stuck in with The Libertines, the gobby p***k.
  3. Short list for me. I only bothered learning at 38. First up was a 2014 Polo 1.2. Best described as an ideal first car. Had to replace it about a year ago when the turbocharger went and it would have cost more to replace it than the car was worth at that point. Replaced by a 2020 Skoda Kamiq. Does what I need it to do but already bored with it. Lease runs for another 18 months. Will see where things stand at that point.
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