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Nicey nicey platitudes from Labour


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As if the pain of losing was not bad enough, to see these eejits jumping up and down to celebrate just rubbed salt into the wound. Just what were they celebrating? More of the same? No shame, and hopefully it comes to hit them in the ballot box. But then, what does it matter now?

A sad, sad day for Scotland, but we've got what we voted for...tough shit, eh?

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3 things the referendum has taught me about Labour:

1) They hang on the banks every word.

2) They support employers intimidating their employees into not speaking out about politics.

3) They can't be trusted with the NHS, as despite what the Tories are doing to it, to say it's at risk is apparently scare mongering.

I'm a lifelong Labour voter. I have voted for them every time I've been eligible to vote, at every level.

Right now I need convincing to vote for them next year.

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The problem is, the SNP, Plaid and SF all refuse to stand where I'm eligible to vote. I was once in a voting booth and it was Tory, Labour, Lib Dem and BNP, no-one else. Add UKIP to the frame and who is there?

Cock and balls on the ballot paper is the only way to go.

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Green Party?

A possibility when they're on the paper. I don't know why none of the separatist parties don't stand in England.

1) They could beat the uni...sorry, not unionist honest, parties at their own game.

2) They could attract voters in the Scottish elections by ending Labour being some voters "big team", and said voters voting Labour in Scottish elections out of loyalty.

3) It would be harder for the Brit Nats to accuse them of Nationalism, leading to the British Nationalism being exposed.

The Tories wrecked this country by shutting down our industry and de-regulating the banks. When I would vote for a party who described this, combined with a global recession, as "Labours economic mess", you know things are bad!

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