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Question Time


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The importance of the EU has shot up dramatically within the last couple of years. There is a migrant crisis, which is being exacerbated as a result of EU laws and we're having a referendum on EU membership within a year or two. Also, QT isn't meant to be "focused" on any specific area. Other than the most pressing subjects that week.

And there are plenty of elected MPs on both sides of the debate who could discuss the issue without pushing UKIP.

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The BBC have been helping promote UKIP for years now.

Doesn't matter if you think they're making a fool of themselves or not, they should never have been given the amount of free promotion from the BBC.

If you didn't know better, you'd have assumed for years now UKIP are 1 of the main political parties in the UK, when the reality is very different.

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They aren't 'pushing UKIP'. They make fools of themselves most of the time anyway so I'm not sure why you're so bothered.

There's a serious debate to be had about the EU I reckon. The Punch and Judy-style of Farage and his coterie of BBC luvvies don't really engage with it when all they do is talk about migrants (to either cheers or boos).

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I was on a day off midweek, a fortnight ago, and our Nigel was on the BBC from morning to night. Only programme he wasn't on was Family Guy

He has his own dressing room and makeup girl. If UKIP ever had pretensions of being a serious party, they were lost when Nige performed his comedy "I'm a man of m'word, I'm quitting" followed a week later by, "They won't let me go".

Had any other farce of a political party ever been taken so seriously by the BBC?

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Utterly humiliated. Cried salty tears in disbelief. Disgusting trougher imo

It was up against some really stiff competition, but seeing that little gremlin lose her seat and march off between two male attendants, unable to draw together enough dignity and decorum to even make a valedictory speech, was my moment of the night.

She fought a dirty campaign full of lies and smears and then genuinely seemed unable to comprehend how it didn't lead her to victory.

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