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Police Scotland


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If the officer has reasonable suspicion that I am carrying something I shouldn't be, then it's fair game.

The amount of stop and searches being carried out in Scotland strongly suggests that the power is being abused and used indiscriminately.

Somebody with a bit of common sense.

Something lacking in Pars, Enrico and the other members of their clown army.

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Somebody with a bit of common sense.

Is that what they teach you at Police college? Use "common sense" when stopping to search someone.

Somehow I doubt that very much

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He is the opposite of Sex Panther [/quote

Judging by your pathetic comments I am happy in the knowledge that I am much better person than someone like yourself who is happy for people to walk around with drugs in their pockets.

You are aware how much problems drugs cause?

I would say I know much more about it than you do.

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Is that what they teach you at Police college? Use "common sense" when stopping to search someone.

Somehow I doubt that very much

You tell me.

You seem to know more about than people who have been there.

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I, for one, feel safer that thick zealots, with no regard for public perception are out there protecting me.

I can assure you I am neither thick nor in anyway a zealot.

You have proved to be the former in the majority of the posts I have previously read by you.

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Yeah, stopping and searching a Jakey or someone with some green on them makes a huge dent on the drug trade. :lol:

Drugs are illegal.

Should police turn a blind eye to possession?

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Nice easy targets for them.

The odd toothless sevco fan and a couple of spotty teenagers.


What's happened in your 37 years to make you such a bitter little sectarian?

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Is your method working ?


Still no doubt you know better.

Until drugs are made legal then I will continue to do my job.

Am sure if you actually work you do your job correctly.

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Maybe they should actual find where they're getting their drugs from? But no getting a £10ners worth off a kid is a massive victory on the "war on drugs" :lol:

So possession should be legal but major drug dealers should be targeted?

You can't have it both ways.

Every day dealers are locked up but that doesn't suit your agenda.

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Your people skills leave a lot to be desired.

I take that as a compliment from somebody who posts plenty of sectarian bile.

Wizzy is fluent in talking pish. Sectarian bile? Nare a word and I'm his biggest critic.

I have every sympathy for anyone who calls Wisbit a chancer. To call him sectarian? Out of order.

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You tell me.

You seem to know more about than people who have been there.

According to your own personal stats you have a poor record at best when it comes to searching people for drugs.

Would be nice if you answer my questions as to what you're taught at police college?

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I can assure you I am neither thick nor in anyway a zealot.

You have proved to be the former in the majority of the posts I have previously read by you.

Well you do a brilliant impression of both. Knowing the law doesn't mean you are equipped to apply it with discretion. Personally, I couldn't give a shit, I doubt I'm in your target group, but your inability to express yourself is worrying. Your attitude here might explain why The Police have so little respect from the public.
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It's the one model fits all strategy that's daft, like deploying armed officers to ask buskers to move along on Inverness High Street.

Yes, but tbf they also have to deal with the odd claymore wielding, hairy arsed highlanders in the High St from time to time. And on other occasions they have been known to run into Richie Foran when making his way home from a quiet night out in the city centre.


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According to your own personal stats you have a poor record at best when it comes to searching people for drugs.

Would be nice if you answer my questions as to what you're taught at police college?

Think you will find that is covered by a little form signed on the first day in the job.

The general public is and always will be clueless when it comes to these issues.

Maybe if you accompanied people to hospital after being assaulted by these poor persecuted junkies with their tenner bags you would have a different opinion on trying to sort out the drug issues in Scotland.

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