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Police Scotland


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Can't seem to access on my phone.

You'll find quite a few pccabe posting there.

Never heard of this forum and neither has a single colleague heard of it either.

Although having looked at it, it is for Special Constables who are voluntary and not fully trained full time officers.

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I gave you a greeny by accident.

I like to encompass you all under the one umbrella of police scotland to be fair.

Well you would be wrong then.

They are part time volunteers who give us their free time to help society.

Why they bother I don't know.

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Well you would be wrong then.

They are part time volunteers who give us their free time to help society.

Why they bother I don't know.

Do you not have loads of jokes beginning with "Have you heard about the Special who..."?

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Wither they are part-time, full-time, volunteered or fully paid their attitude resembles yours.

So you're wrong and can't admit it?

Bit pig headed.

Why anyone would want to volunteer to help a society who looks down on them I'll never know.

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Don't specials get exactly the same training as a regular PC?

No they don't.

For a start they don't go on the training course at the Police College.

They do get the same officer safety training but that is it.

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But but there no fully fledged constables!!! 1!

They don't get the same training nor are they fully fledged constables.

By George I think he's finally got it.

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The situation with the police at the moment is a Chief Constable who appears to be out of control and policing his way rather than by consent. Too busy to attend the Scottish Parliament when summoned then sneering at MSP's who are questioning him.

A single force should never have been created in the first place there should have been 2 forces minimum, 4 forces maximum and review how these were run.

The armed police in the street will only cease when there is a serious injury caused by a gun being taken from an officer during an ordinary incident ie, non firearm or other weapon nor life threatening. . I have been retired a few years now but would like to know about the safety distance armed officers will maintain. Perhaps Kilbowie could enlighten us - if there is a disturbance and an ARV comes across it and are first on the scene do they get involved ie - will they go hands on and get involved in a struggle? The officer photographed going into the shop while armed. common sense would have suggested he left his firearm and holster in the vehicle with his colleague while he went into the shop.

With regard the stop and search this is senior officers playing politics with a numbers game. I have previously witnessed this in the past. Instead of dealing with the important issues and being seen on the street and at potential hotspots let's now play stop and search and massage the figures. I have witnessed officers targeting motorists to achieve reasonable figures for the month instead of targeting what should be dealt with. There is also no doubt that when dealing with the press some senior officers are being very liberal with the truth.

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That cannot be divulged on a public forum.

It is covered by the OSA.

Since when - you can easily find out the length of the training course and what will be expected from you on various sites and forums. And for your information I have worked at the college so I know fully about the training etc.

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