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The 2016 US Presidential Election


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Cruz says he could get back in the race if he wins Nebraska tonight.

Couldn't find any polling done on Nebraska from before Cruz suspended his campaign, but that state probably would have gone to Cruz if he had stayed in the race.

Last West Virginia poll was Trump 61%, Cruz 22%, Kasich 14% so I assume he's not hanging onto hopes from us.

Wait how is he still eligible to win if he dropped out?

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Looking like it could be a good night tonight for Bernie Sanders.


It speaks volumes about how uninspired the Democratic party is about Hillary Clinton, when Sanders, who doesn't exactly have arithmetic in his favour; yet his base are still getting out to outvote Clinton's base.

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Does sanders have a realistic shot at the nomination?

Even if not could Hilary consider bringing him on as running mate to go after both the far Left vote and the anti establishment vote?


Not a chance in hell.


The Democratic party is a dichotomy; the party insiders effectively hold the power in who wll be nominated the Democratic party's nominee. The superdelegates are massively in favour of Hillary Clinton, I can't see them abandoning her for a self proclaimed socialist.

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I've asked you several times now what Obama did in power that was so Un-American and different from his predecessors and you've failed to answer. I can only assume it was being black in the White House.

I will answer this is the future when I'm not paying attention to a game on tv. It has mostly to do with his unprecedented executive actions and complete disrespect of all aspects of our Constitutional government. Especially egregious situations involve illegal wars, assassinations of American citizens, complete disregard for both the first and second amendments in his arguments before the Supreme Court (especially the traditional American deference to freedom of religion and freedom of speech), and his complete disregard for the rule of law and dereliction of his Constitutional duty as President to faithfully execute the laws of the United States in legalizing millions of illegal immigrants. It is my belief that he is the only President other than Woodrow Wilson to not have any respect for our Constitution or form of government and I believe that he favors immigration as a specific political tool to swamp white conservatives demographically within the United States.

Obviously the Congress has blocked most legislative priorities post-Obamacare, so it's not damage that can't be undone. But it's one of those situations where the precedent has been set and it's hard to put the cat back in the bag.

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Cruz only 'suspended' his campaign, so technically he is still in race at the moment, but isn't campaigning - if Cruz does 'unsuspend' his campaign, he will just start to campaign again.



I will answer this is the future when I'm not paying attention to a game on tv. It has mostly to do with his unprecedented executive actions and complete disrespect of all aspects of our Constitutional government. Especially egregious situations involve illegal wars, assassinations of American citizens, complete disregard for both the first and second amendments in his arguments before the Supreme Court (especially the traditional American deference to freedom of religion and freedom of speech), and his complete disregard for the rule of law and dereliction of his Constitutional duty as President to faithfully execute the laws of the United States in legalizing millions of illegal immigrants. It is my belief that he is the only President other than Woodrow Wilson to not have any respect for our Constitution or form of government and I believe that he favors immigration as a specific political tool to swamp white conservatives demographically within the United States.

Obviously the Congress has blocked most legislative priorities post-Obamacare, so it's not damage that can't be undone. But it's one of those situations where the precedent has been set and it's hard to put the cat back in the bag.


That all sounds more like George Dubya to me.

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Does sanders have a realistic shot at the nomination?

Even if not could Hilary consider bringing him on as running mate to go after both the far Left vote and the anti establishment vote?

He has no shot short of a major health crisis or indictment for Hillary. Even at that point I'm sure that the Democrat Party would parachute a new candidate like Biden into her slot. He's just sticking around to spread his message and see what happens. As long as the funds are coming in he has no reason to stop. He relies on small donations from very committed supporters so he can easily fund his campaign through the convention. Cruz was in trouble because he basically relied on funding from a handful of very rich people and they weren't going to keep throwing money at him once his path to the nomination was fully closed. Indiana was viewed as a necessary win to force a contested convention. If another path appears and the money comes back I'm sure he'd jump back on the campaign trail.

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I have just been made aware that an inmate in a Texas prison was on the ballot in the Democratic West Virginia primary in 2012, he got 41% of the vote against a certain sitting president, Mr. Barack Obama :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:



There was a last minute call for people to show up and vote Obama because it was looking like Keith Judd might beat him .

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The reason is that Obama said in his 2008 campaign that he would try to regulate coal companies out of business. And he's well on his way to accomplishing this goal.

According to exit polls this year, 1 out of 3 Democrat primary voters worked for coal companies.

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So you only believe in 'self-determination' for British colonies then? Thought so

So you think backwards places should be allowed to "self-determine" into electing ISIS and their mates? Thought so.

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West Virginia Dem exit poll.

44% of Sanders voters would support Trump if Clinton is the nominee.

31% neither.

23% Clinton.


Kinda puts to bed this idea that Bernie fans are all going to vote Clinton. They're not all young, 'Progressive' types.


Still astonishing how poorly anti-Trumpers understand the Trump phenomenon. Let's see if the same mistake is made yet again by painting these 44% as racists, sexists, Islamophobes, white supremecists, etc., thus pissing off more people and drumming up more support for Trump.

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West Virginia voted Romney last time, is heavily dependent on coal mining (so anti-climate change action) and only sends 5 electors to the Electoral College. Hillary would have no expectation of winning there and will give no fuchs about it.

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Kinda puts to bed this idea that Bernie fans are all going to vote Clinton. They're not all young, 'Progressive' types.


Still astonishing how poorly anti-Trumpers understand the Trump phenomenon. Let's see if the same mistake is made yet again by painting these 44% as racists, sexists, Islamophobes, white supremecists, etc., thus pissing off more people and drumming up more support for Trump.

So, West Virginia is not really a representative state when it comes to Democrats. First, we're in this awkward spot where many, many people who vote Republican for President are registered as Democrats. When I was growing up in the 90s there were something like 7 or 8 Republicans in the state legislature and my parents told me not to tell people that they were Republicans. Starting with Dubya Bush, Republicans started to win big in Presidential elections because of the Democrat position on the environment, but it was only 2014 when Republicans got control of the state legislature for the first time in 100 years and we elected our first Republican senator in 60 years. Second, there was an important Democratic primary for governor between a billionaire conservative Democrat who's running a Trump style campaign and a Bernie style leftie. The Republican governor primary was uncontested. Registered independents choose which ballot they want at the polling location. With Cruz dropping out I'm sure a bunch of Republican leaners asked for the Democrat ballot to vote for governor. What I'm suggesting is that a large % of the people here who voted for Bernie are actually Trump voters who were registering their disapproval of Clinton more than a vote for Bernie.


And if there's a state where Democrats are more likely to be "racists, sexists, . . ." it's West Virginia.


I do think there's something to the idea that race is partially driving the Trump phenomenon. It's not old style white supremacy. However, if you look at a map of the areas of the country where white people score the most racist on implicit racism tests (the South, Appalachia, the Northeast), that's where Trump has done best. The places where white people score the least racist are the Midwest where Cruz was winning and the West Coast where Kasich was expected to challenge Trump before he dropped out. There is a reaction against cultural Marxism that has been fully embraced by the left in the Obama years and Trump has tapped into that.

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