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The 2016 US Presidential Election


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She, like her predecessors as Secretary of State, were found to have not followed best practice, but the rules were vague at that time. I doubt this is the smoking gun.

It's a complete non issue. It's her incompetent handling of the Benghazi affair that should call her candidacy into question - but the chronic Trump campaign team is focused on utter banalities like email gate and her husband's indiscretions.

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What's a 'murica' type?

I'm gonna guess it's the stereotypical xenophobic, nationalistic, gun toting, fact ignoring, bible thumping fatties. 


"U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!" "support our troops" "bombralotathum" "If you don't like Murica you can git out" etc. 

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State Dept. Inspector General's report catches Clinton in 3 lies, 1 half truth, and 1 conspiracy regarding her email setup.


Lie 1: Clinton says she received permission for her email set up. IG could find no evidence that any permission was given or that Clinton sought permission.


Lie 2: Clinton says there's no evidence that her email was hacked. IG says that Clinton or her underlings suspected hacks on multiple occasions. They reacted by doing things such as shutting down the server for a few minutes. They did not contact proper authorities.


Lie 3: Clinton says she turned over all relevant work emails and only deleted personal emails. There's no way to know what was deleted, but the IG report says that there are gaps of entire months in the emails Clinton provided.


Half Truth: Clinton says that her predecessors also used personal email accounts. IG says that rules were much more fluid regarding the new technology under the Clinton and early Bush administration. During Clinton's tenure as Sec State the rules were very clear.


Conspiracy partially confirmed: IG uncovered emails that seem to indicate Clinton's primary reason for the setup was secrecy. We have to assume secrecy from Obama, the Congress, and the American people rather than foreign governments of course.


Saw a devastating piece on CNN where they played her claims from various campaign speeches and read directly from the relevant portions of the IG report contradicting her statements.

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So, more problems for peaceful Trump supporters in an area with a large Hispanic population. Molotov cocktails and rocks thrown at police, breaking through barriers and an attempt to rush Trump's venue, gunshot through the window of the venue, water thrown on a Trump supporter in a wheelchair, American flags burned by crowds of Bernie supporters waving Mexican flags, etc.

I do have one question:


I saw similar signs at the violent actions in California. Aztecs are not native of the US southwest. And if anything they were as expansionist and much more violent in their conquests than the Anglos or Gringos or whatever they want to call white Americans. I'm sure the native Indian tribes in New Mexico (Navajo I guess) would have been terrified by large numbers of Aztecs showing up in their homeland. And I'm sure the Aztecs would have treated the Navajo just as poorly, just add in some mass human sacrifice. If these folks are going to insist that white people need to leave then they need to leave as well. Sharing skin color and a land connection doesn't make your imperialism any more legitimate.

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So, more problems for peaceful Trump supporters in an area with a large Hispanic population. Molotov cocktails and rocks thrown at police, breaking through barriers and an attempt to rush Trump's venue, gunshot through the window of the venue, water thrown on a Trump supporter in a wheelchair, American flags burned by crowds of Bernie supporters waving Mexican flags, etc.


Weird that, people resenting being labeled thieves and rapists.

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The cynical part of me thinks that this is a combination of media sensationalism and professional rioters looking to exacerbate the situation.

Who gains the most from that?


Yup. What was it Trump said about Oakland? And most discerning people see through the act. Sensationalism to detract from the lack of substantive policy appeals to people who vote in the same way they react to their sports team doing badly. This is quite possibly the nadir of Presidential politics in the US.

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Trump is a political genius. Hillary Clinton denied Bernie a new debate before the California primary. Trump has offered Bernie a debate and Bernie has accepted. Details to be worked out, but it looks like this could happen.


Trump knows that his recent rise in polls is due partially Hillary's fall with independent voters and partially due to Trump's rise with Republican voters once he clinched the nomination. The latest polls have 5 or 6% of Republicans planning to vote for Hillary. So much for the Never Trump movement. Current polls have around 1/3rd of Sanders voters saying they won't vote for Hillary and 15-20% (if I remember correctly) saying they will vote for Trump. Trump needs to get in front of these voters to reinforce the message that Hillary is the crooked candidate of Wall Street and that the Democrat Party is corrupt. This way Hillary can't consolidate the Democrats as Trump did the Republicans. A good chunk of these Bernie folks have never seen Trump in action outside of his caricature as a racist, fascist. If Trump can focus on his message that Wall St and the transnational corporations have sold out the American worker in front of these Bernie supporters it could be a huge coup. This debate also allows himself to fight the image with Bernie folks that he's some sort of Nazi and portray his small "d" democratic bona fides.

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Trump is a political genius. Hillary Clinton denied Bernie a new debate before the California primary. Trump has offered Bernie a debate and Bernie has accepted. Details to be worked out, but it looks like this could happen.

Trump knows that his recent rise in polls is due partially Hillary's fall with independent voters and partially due to Trump's rise with Republican voters once he clinched the nomination. The latest polls have 5 or 6% of Republicans planning to vote for Hillary. So much for the Never Trump movement. Current polls have around 1/3rd of Sanders voters saying they won't vote for Hillary and 15-20% (if I remember correctly) saying they will vote for Trump. Trump needs to get in front of these voters to reinforce the message that Hillary is the crooked candidate of Wall Street and that the Democrat Party is corrupt. This way Hillary can't consolidate the Democrats as Trump did the Republicans. A good chunk of these Bernie folks have never seen Trump in action outside of his caricature as a racist, fascist. If Trump can focus on his message that Wall St and the transnational corporations have sold out the American worker in front of these Bernie supporters it could be a huge coup. This debate also allows himself to fight the image with Bernie folks that he's some sort of Nazi and portray his small "d" democratic bona fides.

Trump is part of the same capitalist cabal that has shafted ordinary workers in the past.

I suspect that Sanders will not only go after him on race but also about him pretending to be something he is not.

Trump is as much a part of the establishment as Clinton is.

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Sanders offered Trump a debate first I'm sure. Jimmy Kimmel then pressurised Trump into accepting on live TV.

I don't see it happening. Sanders would make mincemeat of him.


FWIW Sanders has gone down in my estimations. He's turned into a whiny little bitch over the super delegates and just wants to f**k over the dem party.

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Trump is part of the same capitalist cabal that has shafted ordinary workers in the past.

I suspect that Sanders will not only go after him on race but also about him pretending to be something he is not.

Trump is as much a part of the establishment as Clinton is.

And Trump will just emphasize the big door in the wall after we vet for criminals and the temporary nature of the Muslim ban until we get a screening process up and running.

Trump will admit that he was business man and that in a highly progressive and regulated city like NYC you have to be on every politicians good side in order to get anything done. He will admit that under our current system everyone is selling out the American worker. Then he will rail against that very system. And who's been at the forefront of politics for 30 years setting that system? Who's taken in hundreds of millions in speaking fees, Clinton Foundation slush fund donations, and political contributions from Wall St and the Transnational corporations? Hillary Clinton.

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Sanders offered Trump a debate first I'm sure. Jimmy Kimmel then pressurised Trump into accepting on live TV.

I don't see it happening. Sanders would make mincemeat of him.


FWIW Sanders has gone down in my estimations. He's turned into a whiny little bitch over the super delegates and just wants to f**k over the dem party.

Yes, apparently you are correct. Jimmy Kimmel is a comedy show so I'm sure Trump was aware what questions he would be asked as that's standard for all guests on shows like that. Guests generally even go over with producers what questions they would like to be asked so they have funny responses ready.


Not a shock on fucking over the Dem party. He only signed up as a member a year ago and is a real political revolutionary who wants to overthrow the system rather than offer reforms.

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Weird that, people resenting being labeled thieves and rapists.

It's basically impossible to get accurate statistics from the government on Hispanic crime, mostly because most jurisdictions lump Hispanics in with whites when they report the numbers rather than breaking us down into non-Hispanic white and Hispanic of any race as they do on the census or when we need to give racial handouts. NYC is one of the few jurisdictions that does break things down fully.


Demographics of NYC: Asian 12.7%, Black 25.5%, White 33.3%, Hispanic 28.6%




Rape victims: Asian 6.4%, Black 39.4%, White 18.6%, Hispanic 35.4%

Arrests: Asian 6.2%, Black 44.4%, White 6.8%, Hispanic 42.6% (+14%)


Other felony sex crime victims: Asian 7.1%, 31.6%, White 22.6%, Hispanic 38.2%

Arrests: Asian 6.5%, Black 34.4%, White 11.5%, Hispanic 47.3% (+19%)


Misdemenor Sex Crime victims: Asians 7.7%, Black 34.9%, White 19.8%, Hispanic 37.5%

Arrests: Asians 7.7%, Blacks 40.6%, White 10.3%, Hispanic 41.0% (+11%)



Robbery Victims: Asian 13.4%, Black 32.7%, White 15.2%, Hispanic 38%

Arrests: Asian 2.7%, Black 61.9%, White 5.2%, Hispanic 30.1% (+2%)


Grand Larceny Victims: Asian 12.6%, Black 25.5%, White 38.6%, Hispanic 22.4%

Arrests: Asian 5.3%, Black 51.8%, White 14%, Hispanic 28.7% (+0%)


Petit Larceny Victims: Asian 11.1%, Black 30.9%, White 32.5%, Hispanic 24.7%

Arrests: Asian 5.5%, Black 44.4%, White 17.3%, Hispanic 32.5% (+4%)


It looks like Hispanics aren't out of line on thieving (of course a proper immigration system would have all groups less than their demographics on crime), but Trump never claimed that. He cited rape and murder. They are way out of line on rape. People have gone into the actual jail records of various other jurisdictions and guestimated the actual rates by last names. Hispanics always come out way ahead of their demographics on rape and whites are always way more likely to be victims of interracial rape. This is an issue. The USA is the Harvard or Oxford of countries. Hundreds of millions of people want to move here. We can take the best of the best. Why are we taking people that are way more likely to become rapists and murderers and who specifically seem to target our native born population? You have to bring up the issue and discuss it if we are going to make our immigration system work for American citizens first.


Edit: If you're going to try and claim our justice system is racist, don't. There's a crime victim survey each year that samples the population. One of the questions is to name the race of the perpetrator. The % of each race named for each crime roughly equals out to the % of convicts by race for each crime.

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More news from the Bernie Sanders "democratic" front.

Washington held an open primary on Tuesday. Hillary won 404K votes. Bernie won 365K. No delegates were at stake because they had already been allotted by a caucus on March 26. Bernie won the caucus 19K to 7K. Bernie won 74 delegates to Clinton's 27. Amazing.


Also, the NY Times hit piece on Trump's misogyny continues to embarrassingly unravel. It's like the authors did no fact checking in addition to their misrepresentations and lies regarding the female subjects of the story. The DailyMail has received emails that contradict the story Barbara Res told about Trump. Mrs. Res was the first female ever put in charge of a skyscraper construction from start to finish. Previous statements show that Res loved Trump and called him the least sexist boss she'd ever had, especially compared to the rest of the industry in the 1980s. However, after she left the company he refused to hire her back years later and she changed her story. She was also a huge supporter of Clinton against Obama in 2008 and specifically wanted a female President.


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Rubio has said that he wants to speak on behalf of Trump at the convention.

Rubio recently called Trump a con-artist, a lunatic and "the most vulgar person to ever pursue the presidency."


You don't expect politicians to be strongly principled but Rubio has outed himself as a complete phony here.

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Rubio has said that he wants to speak on behalf of Trump at the convention.

Rubio recently called Trump a con-artist, a lunatic and "the most vulgar person to ever pursue the presidency."


You don't expect politicians to be strongly principled but Rubio has outed himself as a complete phony here.


Trump called him little Marco and thrashed him in home state. Rubio only wants a national platform as his career is nosediving fast. If he can be seen to have some influence on Trump or personal credibility, a well-paid lobbying job on K Street would pay the bills. Trump should tell the wee neocon war-monger to GTF.

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When's that debate between Trump and Sanders happening? As far as I see it. From a Sanders perspective this is a last ditch attempt to win what is already a failing race against Hilary. However, Trump will likely go on a charm offensive in the hope he can win over Sanders supporters when he faces off against the presumptive nominee Hilary Clinton. 

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