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Holyrood '16 polls and predictions


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LOL, why are you so sympathetic to Islamic terrorism?

Well, was it Islamic terrorism or terrorism perpetrated by a Muslim, given the ideology underpinning Ghaddafi's Libya it seems inaccurate to use terminology more commonly identified with those who would try and push a religious totalitarian state backed by Sharia Law.

To your actual point however, I'll offer the following: I believe prison should be a primarily for the rehabilitation of inmates. The restriction of freedom of movement is the punishment, not the conditions or otherwise of prison. Where rehabilitation is not possible, permanent incarceration should be reluctantly pursued. In this case permanent incarceration no longer served a purpose - given he had a tumour the size of a golf ball stuck in his arse. That he lived longer due to the use of Libyan money and state aid than he would in HMP, or that he received a hero's welcome is neither here, nor there. The system restricted his movement to prevent him being a threat to others, this function was no longer necessary after his own body became a prison for him - so why bother wasting UK tax payer money to keep him in a state, that his own body had rendered him in anyway.

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LOL, why are you so sympathetic to Islamic terrorism?

Bit early to be on the drink

EDIT: Did the bombing have anything to do with his or anyone else's religion?

The yanks are upset because our justice system isn't based on an eye for an eye

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What would it take for SNP voters to stop voting SNP?

I honestly don't think there's anything Labour can do. The only thing would be a huge scandal but I'm doubting Nicola Sturgeon is in league with the Albanian Mafia or anything like that.

I think I'll be voting Green this time or voting a specific constituency candidate. A Corbyn win and subsequent genuine shift to the left that failed to result in a similar shift from the SNP would maybe prompt me to look closer at blindly backing the SNP at Westminster level. Independence is still the ultimate goal but not at the expense of a genuine left wing option emerging in the UK for the moment.

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Well our police are in a state of complete disarray and lets not even talk about the complete disaster that was the release of a convicted Islamic terrorist that was a complete embarrassment to Scotland.

Who under Scots Law should never have been found guilty. The biggest embarrassment was that he was convicted.

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Mr Bairn out of his depth as per.

Due to FPTP, I would only consider voting against the SNP either at Holyrood or Westminster if there was a genuine left wing alternative locally. I'll probably vote green on the list.

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At what point did I say we should have the death penalty? You're putting words in my mouth.

I think the scumbag should have rotted in prison instead of being given a heroes welcome back home.

you think he should have been allowed to die in prison, so the death penalty for him. We do not allow those with a terminal illness to die in prison as we are a humane society. the fact that he, if he was guilty, and the Libyan government were not humane should have no bearing on our stance

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Well our police are in a state of complete disarray and lets not even talk about the complete disaster that was the release of a convicted Islamic terrorist that was a complete embarrassment to Scotland.

I'm curious as to why adhering to the law in this case is an embarrassment. Do you think we should ignore the law when it suits. Personally, I don't care what the U.S. government think of the decision. The fact they use lethal injection which in some cases can take an hour to kill someone, and appear to treat torture in a pretty casual manner is far more embarrassing. (not saying we are innocent of that) If people decide the law needs to be looked at then that is something that should be done properly not just on a whim when it politically/emotionally suits. It's about what kind of society you want to live in, not revenge.
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I'm curious as to why adhering to the law in this case is an embarrassment. Do you think we should ignore the law when it suits. Personally, I don't care what the U.S. government think of the decision. The fact they use lethal injection which in some cases can take an hour to kill someone, and appear to treat torture in a pretty casual manner is far more embarrassing. (not saying we are innocent of that) If people decide the law needs to be looked at then that is something that should be done properly not just on a whim when it politically/emotionally suits. It's about what kind of society you want to live in, not revenge.

well said

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He killed way more people than anyone ever has on Scottish soil. Treating him as a normal criminal is a frankly bizarre stance to take.

The guy that just admitted to killing Karen Buckley will serve more time than the Lockerbie bomber did. Bit unfair to the victims of Lockerbie that 270 combined lives are deemed to be worth less than that of a single murder victim in Glasgow.

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He killed way more people than anyone ever has on Scottish soil. Treating him as a normal criminal is a frankly bizarre stance to take.

The guy that just admitted to killing Karen Buckley will serve more time than the Lockerbie bomber did. Bit unfair to the victims of Lockerbie that 270 combined lives are deemed to be worth less than that of a single murder victim in Glasgow.

Surely that would depend on whether the guy becomes terminally ill or not
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