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renton last won the day on September 19 2019

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About renton

  • Birthday 23/05/1984

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  • Helios abandoned.
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  1. Well no, both keepers had saves to make, and Vaughan is an inch away from scoring, meanwhile they score from a speculative shot that should never in a million years have gone in.
  2. That feels unlikely to change until we have a new guy in.
  3. Well, in any event we won't have a manager now in all likliehood until after the international break.
  4. Well if you are going to f**k your reputation by sacking a guy one game in, you may as well be consistent about it and have his replacement tapped up.
  5. The only relevent data point there is that United (for better or worse) got the man they wanted.
  6. It's not even September and I'm throroughly sick of the season.
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