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Holyrood '16 polls and predictions


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The Ayr East first preference votes were

Conservative 1,527 (38.5%, +5.5%)

SNP 1,507 (38.0%, +6.6%)

Labour 642 (16.2%, -7.2%)

Independent 218 (5.5%)

Green 76 (1.9%).

The SNP won by 35 votes after the second preferences were counted.

Reynard must have been canvassing hard, by the look of things.

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Classic whataboutery...

What on earth does that have to do with the police leaving a crash victim to die near Stirling because of their pisspoorness?

No its providing a basis for contextualisation for those who want to use one incident as a justification for using the word crisis......when really the truth is they are desperate to find any kind of a stick to beat the snp with. Problem is though looking at big picture the snp administration is running the police and nhs far more effectively than Westminster is.....not very convenient for the anti snp agenda i suppose.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@britainelects: Irvine Valley (East Ayrshire) first preferences:

SNP - 49.8% (+5.3)

CON - 24.0% (+5.8)

LAB - 23.8% (-6.3)

GRN - 2.4% (+2.4)

Nice to see Tories putting Labour into 3rd place also.

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Scottish Tories seem more interested in promoting themselves as a "unionist" party these days, rather than discuss Tory policies


And Ruth sees a great future for the Scottish Tories. Well sorry old girl I cant share your confidence. You do the same as new Labour. Everything is bad. Not much in the way of policy. Well certainly not much that differs from Cameron.

You lot are a busted flush in Scotland. And if it was not for PR you would not even have the seats you do. So keep dreaming. You are no Annabel Goldie :wub:

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Ruth again on Good Morning Scotland once again banging on the nationalist drum.

It did make me laugh as she blames tactical voting for the Scottish Tories losing votes at the WM elections

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Ruth again on Good Morning Scotland once again banging on the nationalist drum.

It did make me laugh as she blames tactical voting for the Scottish Tories losing votes at the WM elections

Vote Tory we have no policies apart from we have unionism in our name

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Vote Tory we have no policies apart from we have unionism in our name

I've noticed that recently also, they've went from the self described Scottish conservative/Tories o Scottish conservative and unionist party

But the argument for them losing votes at the last WM election due to tactical voting was pretty laughable

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