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Is there a better example of how little we have progressed as a nation that today, we are apparently celebrating having the longest serving monarch in our history?

Are you delighted to have such a world renowned and respected head of state or are you seething that we have to pay our hard-earned to keep an unelected, jumped-up zoo exhibit well-heeled in range rovers and castles? Discuss.

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I think we let her retire with dignity.... then abolish the pathetic system

I'd like this but ideally i would have her replaced by an ex Disney or Six Flags CEO. Transform Buckingham palace into a modern attraction, proper merchandising and retail offer, a few extra rides (other than Kate Middleton and her sister), a daily parade (none of this once or twice a year shite) and a full hour of the entire family waving and re-enacting their greatest hits on the balcony for the onlookers below, every single day. Really sweat the asset.

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Lib Dem leader Tim Farron is recalling the two times he met the Queen. He says she gave him his only experience of dancing of around a maypole. “All of us here are new Elizabethans. Queen Elizabeth II has reigned over us all. The values she embodies are about service and stability. It’s all the more important we recognise that Her Majesty occupies the most senior position in our democracy. It’s on this great day that we pay tribute to her service and humility.”


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Lib Dem leader Tim Farron is recalling the two times he met the Queen. He says she gave him his only experience of dancing of around a maypole. “All of us here are new Elizabethans. Queen Elizabeth II has reigned over us all. The values she embodies are about service and stability. It’s all the more important we recognise that Her Majesty occupies the most senior position in our democracy. It’s on this great day that we pay tribute to her service and humility.”


I heard a few folk on the radio gushing about her this morning (it will come as no surprise to anyone to learn that they were all politicians). They were saying crap about how funny she was and what a great sense of humour she had and how she was such a great person blah blah fucking blah. A complete load of bollocks. Imagine how fucking boring it must be to be the queen. Endless opening of pish like new railways, having to go to loads of religious ceremonies, meet boring pointless folk and dress like a shite encrusted old dementia ridden f**k. Plus the heating bill for that obscene palace must be astronomical.

There is the potential for scenes if she pops her clogs during the football season. Which supporters will have the honour of upsetting the Sevco hordes even more than usual?

Hopefully everyone. Perhaps a poll should be made by the OP; “Will you boo at a minutes silence at a football game when the queen dies?”

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I heard a few folk on the radio gushing about her this morning (it will come as no surprise to anyone to learn that they were all politicians). They were saying crap about how funny she was and what a great sense of humour she had and how she was such a great person blah blah fucking blah. A complete load of bollocks. Imagine how fucking boring it must be to be the queen. Endless opening of pish like new railways, having to go to loads of religious ceremonies, meet boring pointless folk and dress like a shite encrusted old dementia ridden f**k. Plus the heating bill for that obscene palace must be astronomical.

Hopefully everyone. Perhaps a poll should be made by the OP; “Will you boo at a minutes silence at a football game when the queen dies?”

At least everyone would laugh at your jokes. I'd just keep making shitter and shitter jokes and watch people struggle more and more to muster a genuine fake laugh.

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