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Explosion in Paris


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Looks like a suspicious package at Gatwick rather than a confirmed 'gun and grenade'. People just love making shit up

Probably just some bona fide arms dealer going about his lawful, legitimate business.

Some of these things can get blown up out of all proportion.

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It's being reported that arrests connected to last night, have been made in Bavaria

There are also reports of last night being linked to Belguim

If this is the case is there a European intelligence service, and if not are we likely to see one soon

Last week (or thereabouts), Belgium's deputy PM expressed concerns over the "counter-terrorism" efforts in Brussels itself. Seemingly there's no coherent approach within the city:


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Only a matter of time before the "bush did 9/11" crowd rear their ugly heads.

It's like these people actually WANT to get blown up when going about their day to day business just to prove they aren't islamophobic.

All religion is poison. The world would be a far better place if we did away with religion.

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Conspiracy theirosts saying the lights around the world in the French flags were put up too quickly so they knew it was going to happen etc. f**k those people

It's the same for a lot of the false flag pish - governments put highly intricate, delicate and complex plans together then let the BBC know it's going to happen ahead of time.

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