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Friends Of Israel?


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I suspect that one of the main objectives of these groups is to supress political support for Palestinians.

Israel doesn't really have a lot to fear from it's neighbours in a military sense. They are more than capable of defending themselves, and as long as they have the continued backing of the US, the state of Israel is effectively invulnerable from direct attack.

However, if a Palestinian state could be legitimised then Israel would find itself in a very awkward position. There seems to be immense political pressure being exerted to make sure that does not happen.

It definitely is about reducing support for the Palestinifocuss

By the way they are not against a Palestinian State - they have pushed the two-state solution for a long time now. The issue for them is that it can't be one led by the likes of Hamas.

Effectively they are saying we support self-determination so long as we get to chose your leaders. Don't get me wrong, the Palestinians have a history of picking the wrong leaders, but that is their choice. By focussing on UK politicians they have managed (quite successfully) to stifle debate on the Palestinian issue and avoided dealing with the core issue - why do the Palestinians not chose moderate leader. By going the route they have they may have garnered support amongst the UK political elite but have driven ordinary Palestinians in to the arms of the extremists.

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It definitely is about reducing support for the Palestinifocuss

By the way they are not against a Palestinian State - they have pushed the two-state solution for a long time now. The issue for them is that it can't be one led by the likes of Hamas.

Effectively they are saying we support self-determination so long as we get to chose your leaders. Don't get me wrong, the Palestinians have a history of picking the wrong leaders, but that is their choice. By focussing on UK politicians they have managed (quite successfully) to stifle debate on the Palestinian issue and avoided dealing with the core issue - why do the Palestinians not chose moderate leader. By going the route they have they may have garnered support amongst the UK political elite but have driven ordinary Palestinians in to the arms of the extremists.

2 state solution my arse, its a well worn classic Zionist line that they want a 2 state solution when in reality they support the illegal settlements in the West Bank and the slow eradication of Palestine.

Every single member of Bibis government is on record as rejecting 2 states .

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Never did find out if the Israeli airforce story was true.

Back in the very early days of Israel, Britain and American told them to eff off regarding aircraft.

Only one country offered them aircraft and all the parts they could carry away.

Story goes Germany said help yourself.

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2 state solution my arse, its a well worn classic Zionist line that they want a 2 state solution when in reality they support the illegal settlements in the West Bank and the slow eradication of Palestine.Every single member of Bibis government is on record as rejecting 2 states .

Where did I mention Netanyahu's government?

I was talking about Friends of Israel.

You might not believe that policy and tbh it is one they were effectively forced in to accepting due to circumstances. That's why the focus has pretty much been on questioning (undermining) the legitimacy of the Palestinian leadership.

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Never did find out if the Israeli airforce story was true.

Back in the very early days of Israel, Britain and American told them to eff off regarding aircraft.

Only one country offered them aircraft and all the parts they could carry away.

Story goes Germany said help yourself.

Also happened with the submarines they are alleged to use for their nukes with the Germans fully aware what they could be converted into.


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Where did I mention Netanyahu's government?

I was talking about Friends of Israel.

You might not believe that policy and tbh it is one they were effectively forced in to accepting due to circumstances. That's why the focus has pretty much been on questioning (undermining) the legitimacy of the Palestinian leadership.

The CFI.."acts as if every Jew in the country is a Likud supporter"

In 1995 Conservative politician Robert Rhodes James called it "the largest organisation in Western Europe dedicated to the cause of the people of Israel".[1] By 2009, according to the Channel 4 documentary Dispatches – Inside Britain's Israel Lobby, around 80% of Conservative MPs were members of the CFI.[2] In 2013, Peter Oborne, the Daily Telegraph's chief political commentator called CFI “by far Britain’s most powerful pro-Israel lobbying group”, which “acts as if every Jew in the country is a Likud supporter.

The same is true of AIPAC in the US.”[3]

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Of course the Israeli state don't give a f**k about a 2-state solution. They're perfectly happy to continually provoke the Palestinians and then use the fact that some Palestinians retaliate/are desperate or angry enough to support Hamas to rule out a 2-state solution. They're taking the piss, everyone knows it, everyone's happy to live with it because Israel is rich, white and Jewish and Palestine is poor, brown and Muslim. Anyone who denies that is kidding themselves on.

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Of course the Israeli state don't give a f**k about a 2-state solution. They're perfectly happy to continually provoke the Palestinians and then use the fact that some Palestinians retaliate/are desperate or angry enough to support Hamas to rule out a 2-state solution. They're taking the piss, everyone knows it, everyone's happy to live with it because Israel is rich, white and Jewish and Palestine is poor, brown and Muslim. Anyone who denies that is kidding themselves on.

True, the narrative of Israel being the Middle Easts only Democracy and wanting to live in peace in a 2 state solution with Palestinians is well and truly dead, and only believed by Zionist apologists.

It's nothing more than an Aparthied ,Racist, White supremacist ethnic cleansing shit hole

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Agree on the apartheid bit where the occupied territories are concerned (not so clear cut in Israel proper) and there definitely was ethnic cleansing happening in 1948, but the other two assertions are dubious to say the least given that Ethiopian Jews were welcomed into Israel. The other thing that makes the discussion of this issue by George Galloway types more than a wee bit unbalanced is that the absence of a viable right of return for Sephardic Jews to Arab countries never seems to be acknowledged. If that hadn't happened the way it did, I suspect the Zionist ideology of immigrants to Palestine from Poland and other parts of eastern Europe would have collapsed a long time ago due to its inherent absurdity.

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Agree on the apartheid bit where the occupied territories are concerned (not so clear cut in Israel proper) and there definitely was ethnic cleansing happening in 1948, but the other two assertions are dubious to say the least given that Ethiopian Jews were welcomed into Israel. The other thing that makes the discussion of this issue by George Galloway types more than a wee bit unbalanced is that the absence of a viable right of return for Sephardic Jews to Arab countries never seems to be acknowledged. If that hadn't happened the way it did, I suspect the Zionist ideology of immigrants to Palestine from Poland and other parts of eastern Europe would have collapsed a long time ago due to its inherent absurdity.

Ethiopians welcome?...




The Worlds Largest Detention Center Is For Black Jews Seeking Asylum In Israel


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If there was anything as blatantly institutionally racist and white supremacist as the old White Australia policy at work in Israeli society, there would have been no covertly arranged airlft out of Ethiopia in the first place.


Aye an alledged secular democratic society that rescued only Jewish people in Ethiopia anyone else was left behind and when the arrivied in Israel ...

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-32813056 also the forced sterilization ...http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/israel-gave-birth-control-to-ethiopian-jews-without-their-consent-8468800.html

.JERUSALEM When Israel secretly airlifted waves of Ethiopian Jews in the 1980s and 1990s, saving them from war and famine in the Horn of Africa, it was celebrated as a triumphant show of unity for the Jewish people.

Thirty years after the first large groups of Ethiopians arrived, few in the community are celebrating. Israels black Jewish minority is plagued by poverty, crime and unemployment, and their brewing frustrations over racism and lack of opportunity have boiled over into an unprecedented outburst of violent anti-police protests.

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A must watch!

I've mentioned this before , it's now showing on BBC4 ...Storyville (censored voices) banned by the Israeii government for 40 years , it plays recordings of Israeli soldiers during the 6day war , were they openly talk about the ethnic cleansing of Arab villages and their war crimes and how they felt guilty of being branded heroes.

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Also happened with the submarines they are alleged to use for their nukes with the Germans fully aware what they could be converted into.


The strangest Israeli/German story of all was Himmler's??? Granddaughter marrying an Israeli and going to live in Tel Aviv.

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