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Making a Murderer


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Just started watching this series, a Netflix documentary about the case of Steve Avery. It's been getting a lot of social media buzz and quite a few people I know are saying they are hooked.

I've watched the first two episodes discussion and spoilers below

I've watched the first two episodes, dealing with the initial conviction, exoneration, release and then re-arrest of Steven Avery.

Don't want to go into the whole details here but the thing that struck me is the social aspect of the conviction. Steven Avery was an outsider, his family weren't highly regarded and therefore it was easier to just throw him to the wolves. I think a lot of miscarriages of justice come from this behaviour from the police, that the people they are policing are scum and they know best.

Anyone else watching?

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I loved it. I'm a sucker for documentaries like this.

If you're enjoying this you should watch the three paradise lost documentaries.

Basically the same idea of wrongful conviction and filmed in real time over the space of 20 odd years and following the lawyers and court case.

If anything I would say I enjoyed the paradise lost trilogy more but making a murderer is definitely a good way to spend 10 hours. The middle episodes especially are great and end on cliffhangers that continually made me go to bed ridiculously late when I had work the next day.

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Absolutely awesome documentary although I found myself getting angry watching it. Especially the later episodes

dealing with Brendan and the way Teresa's brother assumes guilt.

Edited by K.T
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Thanks ICTChris for the recommendation. Just finished it, 5 yesterday and 5 today. Gripping stuff.

It's hard to imagine that this could happen in the UK.

Absolutely everybody involved on the prosecution side needs a good swift kick in the balls, their dicks grated and dipped in lemon juice then sent to jail for life. Scumbags.

But who do you think actually done it?

My guess would be Brendan's brother Bobby and stepfather Scott.

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I'm positive I've listened to a podcast about this before, but I listen to that much true crime I'm struggling to remember. Just started it and I have to say it's right up my street, great if you're into this type of thing. If you finish it give Central Park 5 a watch, on Netflix also.

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It's pretty telling about that I'm not even surprised by what I'm seeing. Still fairly shocking in it's own way, as despite being something that isn't necessarily surprising, it's still horrible.

The sheer amount of work people would go to for something like this. Staggering.

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There's also a similar multiple part episode following one case called the staircase aswell which was really good. Think that had around 10 episodes aswell.

Paradise lost is still my favourite though as it has a definitive ending. As good as making a murderer was, after I watched the three paradise lost films I thought about nothing else for days, watched interviews, read reviews and even bought books on it.

In all three of them though the main thing to take away is that the defence lawyers are always multiple times better than the slimy prosecution lawyers, and argue their case much better, yet all three of the accused end up losing their case, at least to start with.

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But who do you think actually done it?

My guess would be Brendan's brother Bobby and stepfather Scott.

There was definitely something suspicious with their testimony. Only able to alibi themselves and also lied a fair wee bit. I'm not totally sure if Bobby was involved in the murder but I think out of the two of them you're right that Scott could have been. Seems strange that he wasn't even questioned? Given that the police thought the best place to start was where she was last seen and he would've been one of the last people to see her, had a gun and lived on the property where the bones were found.

That being said, I really think it could have been her roommate. Not reporting her missing, knowing her password to delete messages off her phone, giving a camera to the women who was going to the salvage yard knowing she would find the car. Also had access to property when the police were there to leave evidence. Although at some point I do believe police were involved to pin it on him. If they were getting nowhere after months then it's highly possible they believed he was guilty so planted evidence to support their case and just make it a done deal.

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I've watched nine episodes now.

I don't think Avery did it but I can almost understand how they could come up with a guilty verdict for him. Some of the evidence (the bullet, the keys) was pretty ropey and very much leaning towards fraudulent but it's so difficult to prove that it was planted. the defence did a brilliant job but they didn't have the smoking gun.

The Brendan verdict is just inexplicable. How could anyone look at the evidence in the case (his garbled, retracted confession and the testimony, then retracted of his cousin) and say that there wasn't reasonable doubt? Also, for Brendan to have committed the murder it would have had to be carried out in a completely different way than was done in the Avery case! How Ken Kratz can fucking sleep after doing that I have no idea. The defence lawyer had it right - he was interested in convictions not the truth.

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There's also a similar multiple part episode following one case called the staircase aswell which was really good. Think that had around 10 episodes aswell.

Paradise lost is still my favourite though as it has a definitive ending. As good as making a murderer was, after I watched the three paradise lost films I thought about nothing else for days, watched interviews, read reviews and even bought books on it.

In all three of them though the main thing to take away is that the defence lawyers are always multiple times better than the slimy prosecution lawyers, and argue their case much better, yet all three of the accused end up losing their case, at least to start with.

Where can I watch Paradise Lost and The Staircase?

I basically agree with everything ICTChris says here, I've finished it now and I'm still absolutely clueless to how it's actually played out but that's the conclusion I'm coming to.

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My Missus is a lawyer and she's a gurney cow.

If my Mrs was a lawyer I'd definitely be a house husband. My job would be to check the perimeter every morning and make sure the property was secure and then start getting shitfaced by 11am.

I envy you, Bobby.

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Where can I watch Paradise Lost and The Staircase?

I basically agree with everything ICTChris says here, I've finished it now and I'm still absolutely clueless to how it's actually played out but that's the conclusion I'm coming to.




That's the three of them there. Each one is over two hours long so all in all it's about the same length of time as making a murderer.

The staircase i can't remember where i saw it. I think i torrented it but it took me forever to actually find it.

The link to episode 1,2 and 3 are below but im sure there's about 10 all in.




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As soon as I saw the victims brother I thought it was him, with his weasely face, The early press conferences where he talked about hoping to find a body while she was still a missing person, the stuttering guilty reaction when the reporter asked him and the room mate if they had been to the car yard before.

afterwards I started to thing it was Brendans brothers, Everyone in his family tried to stiff Steve apart from Barb (his sister) and it could be that they set Brendan up as a patsy

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