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CLYDE FC season 16/17 Thread

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He was CEO for 8 months. Can you list what he achieved in those 8 months?

I'll start you off:

- Hosted a couple of fan engagement meetings alongside a Director.

- Encouraged fans to organise a race night.

- Bought pints for fans in Jersey

- Hinted at new signings on social media.


Did I miss anything?


A Rangers fan who got involved because of Ferguson. Quits when he falls out with him. Hopefully he isn't anywhere near the players now if he's fallen out with the manager.


Another in a long line of hangers on that have come through the doors of Broadwood seeking a blazer.


Next please.


What would you expect him to have done in 8 months?


He had/has a clear vision which he was not able to carry through due to the issue with Ferguson and subsequently leaving his CEO role.


He's done more than many others over the years and is still involved in the community work the club is doing.


Why should he be nowhere near the players? They respect him and vice-versa. He helped bring some of these guys to the club in the first place.


Edited to add:


He developed whole new relationship with nll ( access from 11 on match days/club 58/Clyde signs on stand/back at broadwood for training/office for community in stand). Numerous financial outgoings for playing related matters. Away shirt sponsor...


But yeah...just pints...


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14 minutes ago, Adolfo Rios said:


What would you expect him to have done in 8 months?

He had/has a clear vision which he was not able to carry through due to the issue with Ferguson and subsequently leaving his CEO role.

He's done more than many others over the years and is still involved in the community work the club is doing.

Why should he be nowhere near the players? They respect him and vice-versa. He helped bring some of these guys to the club in the first place.


Don't waste your time with this fugazi Adolfo

Sent among us by his handler. Small potatos. 

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On 3 February 2017 at 08:57, macclyde+ said:

That depends on anyone actually stepping up and volunteering to take the next one.

Interesting first few posts, I suspect another poster (probably alias of a previous one) who loves a comment  but doesn't actually offer any constructive criticism or solutions.

Fair enough, we're all entitled to an opinion, but be interested to hear what you can do to improve things.

Would it be right to suggest that when the incumbent "taker" decides on who can or can't take the next one then the whole organisation has to accept the monster it has created?

Now how do we change the current situation in the short term? Short answer is, you can't. Unless the incumbent steps aside and makes way. For whom? Well it seems some fans (who may or may not be "Members") want to change things. Especially after the debacle of the recent league form. How do they do that? They can't until the next AGM and even then they would need to be "Members". 

Also it is my understanding, although I can't corroborate such, that the manager, Barry Ferguson, has utilised an average of 30 players a year over the last four years. 120 players in four years? No small business can operate efficiently with such turnover. Mere rhetoric I confess but given the current emanations from the bowels of the club with the manager pulling the strings, both organisationally and financially, that he has never had to answer to the Board for his decisions then the club is in a perilous position with a rudderless and spineless hierarchy. The manager has never had to deliver an operational report to the Board. That's not the fault of the manager but a Board that has lost all sense of formality, operational structure, standards, procedure and in fact proprietary responsibility.


But you're right to ask what can be done to change this. Problem is that the Board, whoever that might be, have total control. The CIC is not a operationally viable model. That's why Ferguson is seen to be propping things up and thus untouchable. Speculation abounds but it is hard to argue against the, questionable, evidence.

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11 hours ago, Duff Man said:

David Douglas is still going to games, think that alone plays down the accusations of only hanging around to be Barry's pal. 

was at Ayr spent his own money on the hats and balloons (for the beach party :) )  was instrumental in the success of the race night  , jersey trip etc 

I dont know what else he has done  at the club (sure he has done a fair bit ) , but even these small things make a huge difference to fan engagement a thing we have only talked about in the past with out any actions 

good to see him at games was on the terracing at Ayr 

hopefully in the future can take up an official role again , wouldn't mind him as chairman. 

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As stated many times previously, I'm not a fan of Barry Ferguson. As soon as it became clear he wasn't going to play for us (apart from a token half-game), and certainly after the Cup defeat at Spartans - he should have been shown the door.

I'm not a "Happy clapper", nor am I satisfied with what's going on at our club. We should be nowhere near the bottom of the 2nd division with the players we currently have on our books.

The Cup performances this season have shown me where the problem lies. Players raise their game in the Cup for the possibility of a crack at a Premier club, and they nearly managed it. The fact that they then go straight back to "League" form, suggests they are not getting the same motivation from the manager that they're able to provide themselves in Cup games. 

I'll be at  Annan on Saturday, giving the team my full support. The players will have had plenty of time to get over their Cup exertions. Win this game, and the game against Montrose next week, and we're right back in there again.

Lose this one, and we can forget any thoughts of still making the play-offs. And that will be the final straw convincing me it's way past time for the manager to go.

We can't afford to continue with this (losing) gamble. 

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The Cup performances this season have shown me where the problem lies. Players raise their game in the Cup for the possibility of a crack at a Premier club, and they nearly managed it. The fact that they then go straight back to "League" form, suggests they are not getting the same motivation from the manager that they're able to provide themselves in Cup games. 

I'm not sure about the "good cup form".
Other than Arbroath, we won games we should have against poor opposition. We almost threw it away against Stirling in the first match. How have Stirling Albion got on since we played them?

If it wasn't for the young goalie against Ayr we would have been soundly beaten. We lost the replay.

The cup run has masked some very poor players, including ones rated as cup heros and a very poor manager.

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38 minutes ago, clyde4ever said:

As stated many times previously, I'm not a fan of Barry Ferguson. As soon as it became clear he wasn't going to play for us (apart from a token half-game), and certainly after the Cup defeat at Spartans - he should have been shown the door.

I'm not a "Happy clapper", nor am I satisfied with what's going on at our club. We should be nowhere near the bottom of the 2nd division with the players we currently have on our books.

The Cup performances this season have shown me where the problem lies. Players raise their game in the Cup for the possibility of a crack at a Premier club, and they nearly managed it. The fact that they then go straight back to "League" form, suggests they are not getting the same motivation from the manager that they're able to provide themselves in Cup games. 

I'll be at  Annan on Saturday, giving the team my full support. The players will have had plenty of time to get over their Cup exertions. Win this game, and the game against Montrose next week, and we're right back in there again.

Lose this one, and we can forget any thoughts of still making the play-offs. And that will be the final straw convincing me it's way past time for the manager to go.

We can't afford to continue with this (losing) gamble. 

If you were at Elgin on Saturday you should have already forgotten any thoughts of making any playoffs, other than the relegation one. The cup exertions played little part in that game. Elgin were all over us like a rash from the kick off and we didn't have a scooby how to deal with it.

Respect your choice to go to Annan and continue to give the team your full support, I doubt if I will unless something significant happens this week.

I suspect the supporters who do turn up at Annan will be there for the day out rather than anything else.

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Would it be right to suggest that when the incumbent "taker" decides on who can or can't take the next one then the whole organisation has to accept the monster it has created?
Now how do we change the current situation in the short term? Short answer is, you can't. Unless the incumbent steps aside and makes way. For whom? Well it seems some fans (who may or may not be "Members") want to change things. Especially after the debacle of the recent league form. How do they do that? They can't until the next AGM and even then they would need to be "Members". 

Also it is my understanding, although I can't corroborate such, that the manager, Barry Ferguson, has utilised an average of 30 players a year over the last four years. 120 players in four years? No small business can operate efficiently with such turnover. Mere rhetoric I confess but given the current emanations from the bowels of the club with the manager pulling the strings, both organisationally and financially, that he has never had to answer to the Board for his decisions then the club is in a perilous position with a rudderless and spineless hierarchy. The manager has never had to deliver an operational report to the Board. That's not the fault of the manager but a Board that has lost all sense of formality, operational structure, standards, procedure and in fact proprietary responsibility.
But you're right to ask what can be done to change this. Problem is that the Board, whoever that might be, have total control. The CIC is not a operationally viable model. That's why Ferguson is seen to be propping things up and thus untouchable. Speculation abounds but it is hard to argue against the, questionable, evidence.

The members if enough of them care. Can force an EGM and force the board to remove him or get the truth why they can't get rid.
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1 hour ago, clyde4ever said:

As stated many times previously, I'm not a fan of Barry Ferguson. As soon as it became clear he wasn't going to play for us (apart from a token half-game), and certainly after the Cup defeat at Spartans - he should have been shown the door.

I'm not a "Happy clapper", nor am I satisfied with what's going on at our club. We should be nowhere near the bottom of the 2nd division with the players we currently have on our books.

The Cup performances this season have shown me where the problem lies. Players raise their game in the Cup for the possibility of a crack at a Premier club, and they nearly managed it. The fact that they then go straight back to "League" form, suggests they are not getting the same motivation from the manager that they're able to provide themselves in Cup games. 

I'll be at  Annan on Saturday, giving the team my full support. The players will have had plenty of time to get over their Cup exertions. Win this game, and the game against Montrose next week, and we're right back in there again.

Lose this one, and we can forget any thoughts of still making the play-offs. And that will be the final straw convincing me it's way past time for the manager to go.

We can't afford to continue with this (losing) gamble. 

think the players have got off lightly , quite a few have either put on a lot of weight or there has been additional padding put into the this years strips  and why does a manager have to motivate players ?  I think its probably more they have packed the tools away due to a dislike of the BF managerial approach , the vast majority will leave at the end of the season when their deals are up and are more than likely have lined up their next club. I don't think the manager will be there next season either 

As for your optimism regarding winning the two next games hope your right but cant see it ,  I had planned to go to Annan ,not now would more than likely lose the rag shout at players and manager not worth paying  50 odd quid for the pleasure. 


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8 minutes ago, Harry Haddock said:

I believe he is on a rolling contract.If this is the case he will be away at the end of the season. Hopefully the Board are thinking of a replacement who can be in situ in time for pre season.


His contract runs until the end of the 2018/19 season 

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26 minutes ago, cfcuk said:

think the players have got off lightly , quite a few have either put on a lot of weight or there has been additional padding put into the this years strips  and why does a manager have to motivate players ?  I think its probably more they have packed the tools away due to a dislike of the BF managerial approach , the vast majority will leave at the end of the season when their deals are up and are more than likely have lined up their next club. I don't think the manager will be there next season either 

As for your optimism regarding winning the two next games hope your right but cant see it ,  I had planned to go to Annan ,not now would more than likely lose the rag shout at players and manager not worth paying  50 odd quid for the pleasure. 


See that's all fine, and players absolutely carry a responsibility, but this is also the real world.

Look at these Chelsea players now.  They'd clearly downed tools for Mourinho, were getting pelters off the fans when he left, but now under Conte everything's forgotten and they're flying high.  True, it shouldn't be like that, but it is what it is.

The manager of any team takes responsibility for signings, tactics, man management etc etc, so there's a primary cause whether players respond well or otherwise.  I don't remember anyone downing tools for a Sir Alex Ferguson side, and if they did, they were soon out the door.

Our situation is precarious.  It's been just over 3 months since we won a league game, the vast majority of them being defeats.  Where's the sign that's going to turn around?  Maybe it magically will, but relying on others to remain stuck in a rut - there's only 7 points between us and bottom spot - so we get away with it isnt wise.  It's always "let's see what happens in the next game, or the one after that, or the one after that".  Clock's ticking.  You can't ask a new guy to come in with a handful of games left and perform a miracle.  It's high risk keeping him.  Maybe it will turn around and we pull clear, but all you can do is look at the track record over the past 3 months, and past 3 years.  However it plays out, It's been at least reasonable to suggest we need a change now. 

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1 hour ago, GYSPY ARMY said:


The members if enough of them care can force an EGM and force the board to remove him, or get the truth why they can't get rid.

In theory you're correct, but the first part of your sentence answers it, or probably more accurately reflects the reality of the CiC.  I.E. most have become "owners" for largely sentimental reasons, give a little extra financially to the club each year to be able to say they own a tiny little part of their club.  80% - 90% aren't "active", and have no real interest in becoming so.  The model has no real substance.  

It's hard to believe that if our club was genuinely "stable", we'd even be discussing this.  He'd have been away last season.

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