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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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Is leaving the EU more complex than leaving the UK?

I don’t pretend to know as I’m not knowledgable on the minutiae of constitutional arrangements. I do think there was a more conscious attempt at informing the electorate on the fallout from a successful bid for Scottish independence in comparison to Brexit. Obvs the SNP push for a multi question referendum was out of political expediency as they knew they wouldn’t win outright but it would’ve been a more mature way to conduct it.
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19 minutes ago, NotThePars said:


I don’t pretend to know as I’m not knowledgable on the minutiae of constitutional arrangements. I do think there was a more conscious attempt at informing the electorate on the fallout from a successful bid for Scottish independence in comparison to Brexit. Obvs the SNP push for a multi question referendum was out of political expediency as they knew they wouldn’t win outright but it would’ve been a more mature way to conduct it.


What we need is a link to a constitutional law expert

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We seem to be getting bombarded with news about how pro remain mother England now is. The cynical part of me thinks it’s all geared towards allowing May a less humiliating climb down on its insane red lines (in other words, smoothing the way for membership of the customs union with a new name). 

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15 hours ago, Detournement said:

Is leaving the EU more complex than leaving the UK?


They are both complex, that's why the Scottish Government produced a white paper on what independance would mean.  The leave campaign just wrote some made up shit on a bus.



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16 hours ago, Detournement said:

Aye but if the one country is determined to f**k you over it might be better to have 27.


As two likely EU nations in 2014, it would have been an amicable discourse. It could not have been anything but smooth as far as trade etc was concerned.

As for the future....

I do not think Scotland would go into negotiations trying to f@ck over the rUK.

Friendless rUK could not afford to f@ck over Scotland.

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On 11/5/2018 at 14:37, Bairnardo said:

All anyone is talking about is checking with the people.


Only a fucking idiot would argue that the voter had even a small % of the knowledge needed to make a rational and well founded decision.


Democracy is great because it checks with the people, except when it checks with the people!

To be fair, you're a hairs breadth from backing my Unpopular Opinions proposal that voting rights be greatly restricted by age/experience/contribution, and you'd be taking it a good way further.

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I think we’re all forgetting that leaving the EU need not in and of itself be complex (and I am and was a remainer). It’s the ham-fisted way, the contradictory red lines, and the absolute desire to both completely reject and yet not lose any benefits of the EU predominantly because of a hatred of foreigners that makes the UK’s exit strategy so difficult (if not impossible).

Would Scotland having a soft exit from the UK be easier than the UK pursuing some woolly red lines in exiting the EU? Probably. Now if Scotland wanted to cut off all ties with England, Wales and NI, whilst retaining all the benefits of trade, that would be a better comparison for what the UK is up to. But no one is suggesting that Scottish independence ape the absurdity and incompetence of Brexit. 

So on balance, yes - I reckon that Scottish independence under the terms it was last offered would be easier to achieve than whatever bizarre Brexit the current UK government is pursuing. 

Edited by Antlion
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