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Cosmic Joe

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I smoke and I wish I hadn't started it's my biggest regret.

I spend £21 a day on something that is totally pointless and so hard to stop doing as I've tried on countless occasions and failed. I was always naturally fit but as soon as I hit 25 it had a massive effect on how I played football.

It's a mugs game

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Ooft. Over £7500 a year. 

I used to be a heavy smoker for years but I certainly couldn't afford it now. Although I have told the family that when the day comes that the docs give me the old terminal news then the first place I will be heading to is somewhere to buy some smokes.

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These new vaping things that leave a a massive vapour coming out of them like a mushroom cloud are more of a nuisance than smokers.  If you ever have to walk behind somebody vaping in the high street  or city centre you have to walk through a cloud of cherry or whatever flavour they have chosen vapour.  The perpetrator is doing it blithely thinking because it's not toxic smoke it's ok to leave a big cloud for other pedestrians to have to walk through. 

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Feeling the love in here. As for the original question. Why the f**k would anyone think about starting smoking. It's fucking rank and will end up costing you tens of thousands in your lifetime. Fucking worst thing I ever did in life.

3 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

Why do smokers think it's acceptable to just chuck their cigarette butts anywhere and not put them in a bin? There must be a few posters on here so smoke, so perhaps they can provide an answer?

Not all of us do. Don't tar us all with the same brush. People who drop their butts are worse than Hitler. Sub human scum

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Whilst I find it totally abhorrent, I do appreciate that you filthy tabbers are pretty much keeping the government going with all the tax you pay. If everybody was to stop all of a sudden, the things I enjoy doing would shoot up in cost. So thank you and keep tabbing :lol: 

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10 hours ago, Sx Drugz N Martin Jol said:

I smoke and I wish I hadn't started it's my biggest regret.

I spend £21 a day on something that is totally pointless and so hard to stop doing as I've tried on countless occasions and failed. I was always naturally fit but as soon as I hit 25 it had a massive effect on how I played football.

It's a mugs game


Try reading this :


I was a 60 a day guy and can relate to all the side effects mentioned there. You just need to persevere with it and keep on telling yourself that soon, you will start to feel great. You also need to keep reminding yourself how much money you will save.

Anyone else got any advice for someone trying to pack it in? 

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Try reading this :
I was a 60 a day guy and can relate to all the side effects mentioned there. You just need to persevere with it and keep on telling yourself that soon, you will start to feel great. You also need to keep reminding yourself how much money you will save.
Anyone else got any advice for someone trying to pack it in? 

This sounds daft but when I was going through stopping the first time ( of many ) what made me start again was my taste buds coming back, the food I thought I liked started tasting horrible. Think the main thing is wanting to stop, I always had some bullshit rationality to why I started again, was just excuse after excuse.

I'm going to try again after the new year no point doing it over the festive period as I'll be on the lash quite a lot.
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11 minutes ago, gavin_3110 said:

So you have.

Yes, I have. Why would I want to bother with women I find unattractive? 

It's no really a difficult concept to understand I don't think. 

You keep fucking women you find unattractive if you like. I won't judge you :lol: 

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14 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:



Anyone else got any advice for someone trying to pack it in? 

I started when I was 18 and working a summer job as a groundsman on a golf course. There were midges everywhere so I followed the example of the full time staff and puffed like f*ck to keep them away.

Smoked for years until 2011 when I got a massive chest infection, rushed to A&E because couldn't;t breath, passed out with pulmonary arrest and woke up next day in intensive care.

Hadn't noticed any negative impacts on my health until then, it came right out the blue.

That was all the incentive I needed to stop. No patches, no gum and it was easy.

It'll get you in the end so don't start would be my advice. ( Aye, and vaping just makes you look like a right twat )

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20 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:


Anyone else got any advice for someone trying to pack it in? 

Check this out, either as an audiobook, book, or even better a course/seminar. I went to the course and came out three hours later as a non smoker. I'll have the very occasional roll up but have not touched a ciggy since I did the course. 

Takes no willpower. It just does something to your brain, like flicking a switch. You suddenly think "why do I have all these lighters and chewing gum?". There are a couple of similar programmes but the success rate is staggering. Forget all that bollocks about needing the willpower to stop. I did the same method to quit booze. Again, takes no willpower, it's like something is reset in your head. 


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Yes, I have. Why would I want to bother with women I find unattractive? 
It's no really a difficult concept to understand I don't think. 
You keep fucking women you find unattractive if you like. I won't judge you [emoji38] 

Yes, I have. Why would I want to bother with women I find unattractive? 
It's no really a difficult concept to understand I don't think. 
You keep fucking women you find unattractive if you like. I won't judge you [emoji38] 

Yeah, I certainly plan to.
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Just now, ICTJohnboy said:


Why did you want to/need to quit booze?

Did this have had anything to do with pubs in Dunfermline?

General bad behaviour. Would always go over the score and end up in situations that would eventually lead to death, jail and/or divorce. Best to just retire undefeated. 

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15 hours ago, 210516 said:

It's not really, in my experience you play the your "mates deserted you" line and get talking to someone very easily.  And they dinnae stink.  Saying that my club life was just as the smoking ban kicked in I think.

So you go up and tell lassies that you're so cool that your mates have all fucked off and left you? The lassies in the smoking area pish themselves laughing at losers like you.

15 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

Why do smokers think it's acceptable to just chuck their cigarette butts anywhere and not put them in a bin? There must be a few posters on here so smoke, so perhaps they can provide an answer?

I'll usually use a bin or ashtray but on the odd occasion I don't, it can be a fun game to see how far you can flick it.

12 hours ago, Sx Drugz N Martin Jol said:

I smoke and I wish I hadn't started it's my biggest regret.

I spend £21 a day on something that is totally pointless and so hard to stop doing as I've tried on countless occasions and failed. I was always naturally fit but as soon as I hit 25 it had a massive effect on how I played football.

It's a mugs game

I honestly wonder how anyone has the time to smoke 60 fags in a day, that's roughly 5 hours of your waking day dedicated solely to smoking, how is that possible?  Best of luck in trying to stop though, my habit isn't anywhere near that level and I still find it hard.

Edited by The Moonster
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