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Women's FA Cup Final

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Tossed a coin yesterday for either Fulham v Reading or this one. 

9th time I've been at the new Wembley but first Women's FA Cup Final. Very impressive crowd just over 35000. 



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Watched a bit of this on TV at the weekend. Can't make my mind up on it. On one hand, it is a good idea to promote minority sports and try to get the womens game a bit more coverage, as it is clearly growing in popularity, particularly at the grass roots. On the other hand, thousands of the tickets for the English games biggest match had to be given away for free, the BBC continues to put in far more money than it seems the game deserves based on public interest, and the standard is still extremely poor in comparison to the mens game.

There was a bit about one team going bankrupt before the season started and the coverage of it seemed to be that it was a travesty it was allowed to happen and more should be done to prevent it happening in future, but if teams cannot budget properly and run themselves responsibly, there is no one to blame but the clubs custodians.

Overall, I just wonder if the BBC's "Investment" in the game will ever be worth it or if there will be a point where they decide that just not enough people are interested in the coverage and they should "invest" elsewhere instead.

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