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Junior football, what is the future?


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16 hours ago, locheeboy said:

All of those clubs compete within the LL boundary just now. Do you really think any of those clubs would be sent to the HL ? It would be the death of them. It is a well know fact that Montrose FC had they lost their play off against Brora they would have closed the doors rather than go to the HL.

There will never be the perfect solution ,geography of Scotland puts paid to that. 

Bollocks, my seething coagie companion.

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16 hours ago, Burnie_man said:

This is the latest update from the EoS President who actually sits on the PWG, and there's nothing in this that is confidential so I'm sharing it;

"John Greenhorn explained the Pyramid Working Group had agreed the need for a West of Scotland League and a Tayside League at tier 6 level. All clubs participating in these new leagues will be required to commit to all conditions of pyramid membership in respect of registrations, discipline, fixture scheduling and mandatory promotion etc."

The second sentence is a roundabout way of saying it's not going to be a junior league that's involved in either of those localities without being explicit about it, so if that's an accurate description of what was explained at the meeting I have no idea how John Greenhorn could have been trying to persuade the former Lothian junior clubs that the SFA still wants them in the EoS.

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53 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

The second sentence is a roundabout way of saying it's not going to be a junior league that's involved in either of those localities without being explicit about it, so if that's an accurate description of what was explained at the meeting I have no idea how John Greenhorn could have been trying to persuade the former Lothian junior clubs that the SFA still wants them in the EoS.

You could read into it that by mentioning the requirements for registration, discipline, fixtures etc that it alludes to Junior leagues moving into the Pyramid and having to reform their procedures to mirror other senior leagues. Now whilst that isn’t an issue in the West as they could move lock stock and barrel, we all know the issues it presents in the East and that is where the Tayside League comes in.

The only way the Tayside League works is if the remaining Fife and Lothians Junior sides move into the EoS, and the Taysiders form a separate league (not just continue as the ERJFA) which in time will become a feeder to the HL.  That is unless the SPFL agree to a boundary move and there is no indication of that happening.

Of course, TJ needs there to be a reason for him to keep his job therefore he’ll no doubt be wanting control of the West and Tayside (and North) and still badge it as the SJFA, he can then save face and his job.

Regardless, what clubs need now is absolute clarity from the PWG as to what the intended plans are. There are clearly different versions of reality circulating.

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58 minutes ago, Gingernuts said:

pmsl at all them folk who team left juniors for eos an still post in here. obsessed. end of day the cream will rise to the top. in tj we trust.

I think the issue with all of the turkeys who voted for Christmas is that some of us prefer the Junior game to the machine that is ( ho ho) 'senior ' football. Some of us don't worry about the self proclaimed superiority of others, their insistence on commenting on something that is no business of theirs or any of the other criteria that the new 'elite' bestow upon themselves. If it isn't a threat, why comment? If it's not your brand of football, why comment? If it's not your level of football, then why not vent your spleen somewhere devoted to what is? Just saying. If I prefer something, it isn't right or wrong, it's up to me, just as was for the turkeys and the turkeys in waiting.

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26 minutes ago, froggie said:

I think the issue with all of the turkeys who voted for Christmas is that some of us prefer the Junior game to the machine that is ( ho ho) 'senior ' football. Some of us don't worry about the self proclaimed superiority of others, their insistence on commenting on something that is no business of theirs or any of the other criteria that the new 'elite' bestow upon themselves. If it isn't a threat, why comment? If it's not your brand of football, why comment? If it's not your level of football, then why not vent your spleen somewhere devoted to what is? Just saying. If I prefer something, it isn't right or wrong, it's up to me, just as was for the turkeys and the turkeys in waiting.

What the hell are you talking about Mr.Groundhopper, you've made all that up in your head :rolleyes:

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The weird thing is that we have a few members of junior blazerdom claiming on here that the east and west superleagues will be in the pyramid at tier 6 by next season, while we have a few diehard fans of the grade that still seem to think it's going to carry on business as usual. No matter who is right on what is happening on tier 6, the latter group of posters are not going to get what they want because the clubs have already decided overwhelmingly (only 4 still dissenting on that at the last SJFA AGM?) that they want to be in the pyramid. The only issue still to be determined is which set of blazers get to run the leagues in question. Hence the wildly differing versions of what happened at last week's EoS meeting.

Edited by LongTimeLurker
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47 minutes ago, Burnie_man said:

What the hell are you talking about Mr.Groundhopper, you've made all that up in your head :rolleyes:

Predictably angry and pointless response including inaccuracies from the hell hole fanatic. Some things change, some stay the same.  It isn't the nation's fault that even the simple is beyond you.

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1 hour ago, froggie said:

I think the issue with all of the turkeys who voted for Christmas is that some of us prefer the Junior game to the machine that is ( ho ho) 'senior ' football. Some of us don't worry about the self proclaimed superiority of others, their insistence on commenting on something that is no business of theirs or any of the other criteria that the new 'elite' bestow upon themselves. If it isn't a threat, why comment? If it's not your brand of football, why comment? If it's not your level of football, then why not vent your spleen somewhere devoted to what is? Just saying. If I prefer something, it isn't right or wrong, it's up to me, just as was for the turkeys and the turkeys in waiting.



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7 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

As a Junior supporter, I have plenty of reservations about how it'll all turn out. The difficulty is that all the intellectual and cogent arguments support a pyramid.  There is no logic in a separate grade.

Guess that depends on if football is just a part of escapism from the dull drudgery that pays the bills, or something  you feel the need to immerse yourself in to a depth that means you can't remember it's supposed to be fun. A page on here about football  for every ten about bureaucracy, in fighting. tedious fart in a suit meetings and everyone claiming to be far more important and in the know than they really are. Makes just turning up and watching a game the joy it is.  Not everything in life is logical and many  that are can be utterly dysfunctional

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1 minute ago, froggie said:

Guess that depends on if football is just a part of escapism from the dull drudgery that pays the bills, or something  you feel the need to immerse yourself in to a depth that means you can't remember it's supposed to be fun. A page on here about football  for every ten about bureaucracy, in fighting. tedious fart in a suit meetings and everyone claiming to be far more important and in the know than they really are. Makes just turning up and watching a game the joy it is.  Not everything in life is logical and many  that are can be utterly dysfunctional

All that will still be available.

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