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The Queen's Park 2018-19 Thread

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Beaten by an extremely strong livi team tonight, and the first half clearly shown that because quite frankly we're getting the runaround. 2nd half we improved and competed better but most importantly it's giving players the minutes and match sharpness for the season. From what I seen, Ewan Macpherson has bulked up considerably and competed well and Mclauchlan won all his headers. Magee didn't look particularly comfortable at right back but hopefully he'll continue to improve. Also 95% sure that former player Gavin Lachlan was playing aswell. 

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If I can recall the lineup went something like this:

New Keeper 


Mackinnon(kilbirnie Left Back?)



Roberts(kilbirnie midfielder)



Kindlan(Wishaw winger I think?)

Trialist( no clue who he was)


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The keeper was absolutely shocking. Jambo had no support in midfield, the 2 guys that played beside home were slow on the uptake. The boy at right midfield(11) was one if the worst players on the night hence why he got taken off after 30 mins. Thought we only took part in the game in the last 20 mins when Ali miller and the other going guy in midfield came on. The only player to put a tackle in all night was the young guy who replaced magee, who was shocking and did not look interested. 

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14 minutes ago, spider1867 said:

The keeper was absolutely shocking. Jambo had no support in midfield, the 2 guys that played beside home were slow on the uptake. The boy at right midfield(11) was one if the worst players on the night hence why he got taken off after 30 mins. Thought we only took part in the game in the last 20 mins when Ali miller and the other going guy in midfield came on. The only player to put a tackle in all night was the young guy who replaced magee, who was shocking and did not look interested. 

Got to agree about the keeper. Didn't exactly inspire me with confidence 

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As I mentioned, the contrast between the two halves was marked but this was the first game with many trialists still kicking about. No cause for alarm!


Certain rustiness about a couple of the players; again, it's early. Last thing anyone wants to do is to peak too soon. Am I right, or am I right?


As long as we're revved up and raring to go for the first League match, I'm not overly bothered about results beforehand.



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48 minutes ago, Hampden Diehard said:

Last thing anyone wants to do is to peak too soon.

Aye, as usual you're right, but after knowing you for 44 years now, I'm guessing you peaked long before then.  Am I right, or am I right?

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Pre-season and early League Cup results mean nothing in a wider context. We were being pumped by all sorts of obscure teams in the pre-season the year we won the league. We also drew at Morton, a game we should have won, last season and got relegated.

Edited by an86
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5 hours ago, an86 said:

Pre-season and early League Cup results mean nothing in a wider context. We were being pumped by all sorts of obscure teams in the pre-season the year we won the league. We also drew at Morton, a game we should have won, last season and got relegated.

I hope your right because watched I watched last night was a poor lot of players. If some of these have been scouted then we have to get some new scouts. Some of the players looked so unfit and if they have never played 11 a side football before.  No pace at all in the team until as I said earlier the younger guys came on at rb,lb and centre midfield. Nobody wanted to take their time it was hot potato football. The goalkeeper was diabolical, the KB was caught out if position so many times, the right mid was an imposter of a footballer. Nobody was talking at all. Hears hoping when we play teams at out own level they can adjust to league 2 football if not we are in for a very long hard season.

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Very hard to gauge on last nights performance...premier league team with most of last years squad plus some new additions.

QPs first outing of preseason with very few from last seasons squad...will defo take time for Gus to sort out his preferred team.Now is not the time to be lambasting either individuals abilities or fitness as this will surely only improve as the squad complete all their preseason efforts.

Spider1867 has already judged players on one outing which is grossly unfair and IMO his assessment is somewhat prehistoric and he obviously doesn’t appreciate formations,tactics and technical abilities.

Sounds like he just wants everybody to run about at 100mph without any thought about how unrealistic that is and the potential consequences.

Appreciate we all have different opinions but think if nothing else a bit of patience is needed...it was the first outing of the season against a full time pro premier league team...get real did u expect QP to give them the run around?!

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2 hours ago, spider1867 said:

I hope your right because watched I watched last night was a poor lot of players. If some of these have been scouted then we have to get some new scouts. Some of the players looked so unfit and if they have never played 11 a side football before.  No pace at all in the team until as I said earlier the younger guys came on at rb,lb and centre midfield. Nobody wanted to take their time it was hot potato football. The goalkeeper was diabolical, the KB was caught out if position so many times, the right mid was an imposter of a footballer. Nobody was talking at all. Hears hoping when we play teams at out own level they can adjust to league 2 football if not we are in for a very long hard season.

It’s the same as anything. If you’re a runner/cyclist etc. you’ll know how it feels to go back to it after a few weeks/months off. You can’t quite get up those hills that you can when you’re fully fit. Now, imagine trying to battle against a pro when you’re at that level.

I suspect more part-time players have been “enjoying” their time off as well more than the professionals as well, as they’ve every right to. 

Put it this way, can anyone look back on any friendly and think it was in any way crucial to our performances during a season? All about building fitness and actually finding out who might be good enough. Obviously want to win any game, but I can’t get worked up about friendlies at all. Even a defeat against Cumbernauld Colts wouldn’t irk me. Real stuff starts at Peterhead, which is the toughest start we could ask for.

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Adam Martin is my early tip for Player of the Year -he looked to be happy with the ball at his feet. Great to see Jamie McKernon again who will feature when fitness returns. Keeper looked mega nervous as did a lot of the new guys but hey what do you expect - let's not expect too much at this early stage.

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Gus and Gerry Crawley spoke at QPSA AGM last night. Gus still at stage of trimming the amount of players he has in for training down to a manageable, competitive squad.
Gus also talked of the harm social media can do ( presumably meaning this site in particular) when it comes to (1) alerting other clubs of players that we may be interested in and (2) affecting the confidence of players when they are slagged off.
Maybe that is something all QP fans should consider before posting on this site.

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Gus and Gerry Crawley spoke at QPSA AGM last night. Gus still at stage of trimming the amount of players he has in for training down to a manageable, competitive squad.
Gus also talked of the harm social media can do ( presumably meaning this site in particular) when it comes to (1) alerting other clubs of players that we may be interested in and (2) affecting the confidence of players when they are slagged off.
Maybe that is something all QP fans should consider before posting on this site.
Or maybe if the players weren't such pansies they man up and not worry about if a supporter slags them off on an internet forum for playing shi*e?
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OK guys took a fair bit of stick for my post. I understand everyone's opinion, I just want something to give the buzz of watching QP. I know Gus has the hardest job in football trying to get players to play for us for nothing apart from the joy of playing at the national stadium and a chance of a move to a pro club if good enough. I watch all levels of football senior, junior and amateur and I see a lot of good players. My post was just how I seen it maybe I reacted to soon and for that I will apologise. I will give every player that plays for QP a chance as I support my team. I just wasn't impressed with my first viewing of some of the new players. Here's hoping as Gus says he will trim his squad down to a manageable level and this will get the best out of the players he chooses to keep.

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Oh great!! Seen it all now, someone from airdrie calling footballers pansies, how do you have time for football anyway when you’re usually trying to bed your immediate family
Nice try fella. A well thought out and witty reply from "Joe Coconuts", a man who after apparently only 3 weeks on the forum, is ridiculed by other fans of his " own team"
1/10 must try harder [emoji106]
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(2) affecting the confidence of players when they are slagged off.
Maybe that is something all QP fans should consider before posting on this site.

Or maybe if the players weren't such pansies they man up and not worry about if a supporter slags them off on an internet forum for playing shi*e?

We had the same debate a while ago about Clyde players being effected by comments on P&B.

I tend to agree with our Airdrie friend. Any player who can't cope with criticism, I'd suggest, isn't mentally suited to play at a professional level.

More so, if you struggle with criticism coming from a few Queens Park fans on here.

For example, you are unlikely to get grief in the street or when out for a meal with the family.

If it's too much for them they should stick to playing fives with their mates before heading to the pub.
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