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Israel lobby v Corbyn


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On 04/03/2019 at 20:35, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

Shocked to find out that when Corbyn says 'lets bring utilities under public ownership', he's really saying 'let's do another holocaust'.

He's always going on about nazionalising the railways....

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8 hours ago, Detournement said:

It's almost as if there a large number of MPs who are determined to prevent the leadership from presenting an alternative economic strategy to the nation.

If that strategy is Socialism it won't work anyway.

It hasn't worked anywhere or in anytime in the World so far.

In theory is sound but it just dosesnt work.

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7 hours ago, WATTOO said:

As I've mentioned before, I'm an SNP member but a socialist leaning one (which I'm sure you can tell from my posts), however I don't think I could stand by and watch my party being destroyed from the inside the way in which Labour currently are.

Although I'm technically on a different side, it gives me no pleasure whatsoever to see these self serving fascists doing everything in their power to keep a fairer society as far away as possible and then try and make out that they are in fact "the good guys".

It actually makes me sick..........

There are a few SNP/Independence supporters on here who seem to take pleasure in Labour’s failures.  Some of it is political naivety and/or immaturity, though I sympathise with others whose views are influenced by the little mindedness and blatant lies of Scottish Labour and by the actions of past right wing Labour PMs like Blair.

Whilst we remain part of the U.K. I would prefer a Labour government to a Tory one and even after we leave I’d rather rUK was not having to suffer Toryism, though that will be their decision to make.

Despite his flaws Corbyn is the first genuinely left-of-centre Labour Party leader and it’s that mere thought of him in No. 10 that has led to unholy alliance of detractors of whom the Zionist lobby is very much to the fore.


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7 hours ago, Londonwell said:

I completely agree with that. All the more pity that Labour isn’t in a position to capitalise.  They are letting down people who they’re meant to represent. 

"socialise", Shirley?

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There are a few SNP/Independence supporters on here who seem to take pleasure in Labour’s failures.  Some of it is political naivety and/or immaturity, though I sympathise with others whose views are influenced by the little mindedness and blatant lies of Scottish Labour and by the actions of past right wing Labour PMs like Blair.
Whilst we remain part of the U.K. I would prefer a Labour government to a Tory one and even after we leave I’d rather rUK was not having to suffer Toryism, though that will be their decision to make.
Despite his flaws Corbyn is the first genuinely left-of-centre Labour Party leader and it’s that mere thought of him in No. 10 that has led to unholy alliance of detractors of whom the Zionist lobby is very much to the fore.
As has been said previously the manifesto last GE was fairly centre left anywhere else in Europe but portrayed as some sort of extreme Marxist diatribe. Horseshit of course but this is the UK where the supposed "middle ground" is full of right wing nut jobs..
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15 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

There are a few SNP/Independence supporters on here who seem to take pleasure in Labour’s failures.  Some of it is political naivety and/or immaturity, though I sympathise with others whose views are influenced by the little mindedness and blatant lies of Scottish Labour and by the actions of past right wing Labour PMs like Blair.

Whilst we remain part of the U.K. I would prefer a Labour government to a Tory one and even after we leave I’d rather rUK was not having to suffer Toryism, though that will be their decision to make.

Despite his flaws Corbyn is the first genuinely left-of-centre Labour Party leader and it’s that mere thought of him in No. 10 that has led to unholy alliance of detractors of whom the Zionist lobby is very much to the fore.



Take your pish about immaturity to f**k though. 

If we're talking naive then anyone who thinks Labour are going to be in power any time soon and that they'll be much different to the Conservatives are the ones who are naive. This is a party with a very strong recent history of utter bullshit and in party fighting who have allowed the Tories to trample all over the UK.

They're almost all a big bag of c***s. Too right I take pleasure in their failures. They deserve nothing and should be binned. We need a new, actually left of centre party in UK politics, not a pretend one like Labour are. 

The independence stuff does really annoy me as well. It's also a very indicator of how much of a bag of sell outs Labour are when they encourage collusion with the Tories in Scotland simply to stop it, and are heavily involved in the lies and smears to try and stop it. Look underneath the reason why and it's just greed, which is what drives them and ultimately makes them little better, if better at all, than the Tories, who are at least a bit more honest about their greed.

Corbyn might be left of centre, but he's a weak twat who would be useless in Number 10. He'd be spending half his time being undermined by his dickhead party members for a start.

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There are a few SNP/Independence supporters on here who seem to take pleasure in Labour’s failures.  Some of it is political naivety and/or immaturity, though I sympathise with others whose views are influenced by the little mindedness and blatant lies of Scottish Labour and by the actions of past right wing Labour PMs like Blair.
Whilst we remain part of the U.K. I would prefer a Labour government to a Tory one and even after we leave I’d rather rUK was not having to suffer Toryism, though that will be their decision to make.
Despite his flaws Corbyn is the first genuinely left-of-centre Labour Party leader and it’s that mere thought of him in No. 10 that has led to unholy alliance of detractors of whom the Zionist lobby is very much to the fore.
Labour are just as shite as the Tories. Hope this helps.
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This version of Labour are not getting into government so there's no point talking about wanting them there. Corbyn is a complete loser into the bargain who has been complicit in sending us into the shitstorm we've got coming. And what makes it worse is that we know it's exactly what he wants.

Of course this whole in fighting is orchestrated by other things, but let's not let that detract from the fact that he deserves a lot of criticism for putting this country where it is. I don't want to live in a country where this Labour is in power led by this man. I want to get out of the whole mess.

As for wanting Labour to fail? No. I don't want that. If I was 100% certain we'd get independence then I'd probably have a laugh about it, but as it is, I'm not even close to confident, and that means I want the UK to be in a much better position than it is and an actual helpful Labour party would be a good thing as a result. They're not though. The UK version is a complete farce and the Scottish version is worse.

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4 hours ago, Loondave1 said:

As has been said previously the manifesto last GE was fairly centre left anywhere else in Europe but portrayed as some sort of extreme Marxist diatribe. Horseshit of course but this is the UK where the supposed "middle ground" is full of right wing nut jobs..

As I have said before I disagree with that. The big Social Democratic parties in Spain, Italy, France, Germany and Sweden have all moved as far to the right as New Labour.

The 2017 Labour manifesto was much bolder and more progressive than anything produced by the main (nominally) left wing parties other European nations.

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45 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:


Take your pish about immaturity to f**k though. 

If we're talking naive then anyone who thinks Labour are going to be in power any time soon and that they'll be much different to the Conservatives are the ones who are naive. This is a party with a very strong recent history of utter bullshit and in party fighting who have allowed the Tories to trample all over the UK.

They're almost all a big bag of c***s. Too right I take pleasure in their failures. They deserve nothing and should be binned. We need a new, actually left of centre party in UK politics, not a pretend one like Labour are. 

The independence stuff does really annoy me as well. It's also a very indicator of how much of a bag of sell outs Labour are when they encourage collusion with the Tories in Scotland simply to stop it, and are heavily involved in the lies and smears to try and stop it. Look underneath the reason why and it's just greed, which is what drives them and ultimately makes them little better, if better at all, than the Tories, who are at least a bit more honest about their greed.

Corbyn might be left of centre, but he's a weak twat who would be useless in Number 10. He'd be spending half his time being undermined by his dickhead party members for a start.

My apologies.  That post reeks of maturity.  :rolleyes:

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There are a few SNP/Independence supporters on here who seem to take pleasure in Labour’s failures.  Some of it is political naivety and/or immaturity, though I sympathise with others whose views are influenced by the little mindedness and blatant lies of Scottish Labour and by the actions of past right wing Labour PMs like Blair.
Whilst we remain part of the U.K. I would prefer a Labour government to a Tory one and even after we leave I’d rather rUK was not having to suffer Toryism, though that will be their decision to make.
Despite his flaws Corbyn is the first genuinely left-of-centre Labour Party leader and it’s that mere thought of him in No. 10 that has led to unholy alliance of detractors of whom the Zionist lobby is very much to the fore.
I agree with all of that but there remains a big problem where Corbyn is concerned - he is totally unsuited to leading a major UK party.
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9 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

I agree with all of that but there remains a big problem where Corbyn is concerned - he is totally unsuited to leading a major UK party.

It’s not optimal but we have to deal with the world as it is not as we would like it to be.

Posters like @DA Baracus prefer to talk about wish lists; I’m more interested in how things really are.

A Labour Party with all its flaws led by a leader with all his flaws is still preferable to a Tory Party.

Anyone claiming they are more or less identical has not been paying attention to the austerity agenda that has been forced on all of us in recent years.

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You tried that shit before. Doesn't work.

Talking of how things really are; Corbyn won't ever be PM and Labour are nowhere near getting in to power. I think it's you that has a 'wish list'.

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4 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

You tried that shit before. Doesn't work.

Talking of how things really are; Corbyn won't ever be PM and Labour are nowhere near getting in to power. I think it's you that has a 'wish list'.

No, you’re the one wanting to have a discussion based on how you’d like things to be rather than how things are.

There’s nothing wrong per se with having a theoretical discussion about politics but it doesn’t deal with where we are actually at.


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