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Generation Zero - Free Beta

Buddist Monk

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Ok, so here's the script. Apparently if you sign up to their Mailchimp you'll get sent a free beta key. When? *shrug*

https://generationzero.com/en/  Click the "Join the Beta" link.

https://store.steampowered.com/app/704270/Generation_Zero/   Steam is claiming a 2019 release date.


So I've got to say the video didn't really do it for me, it looks like a game would look amazing 3 or 4 years ago but just looks a bit average now. However I did a bit of digging and it turns out the developers are Avalanche. Who you might ask? Well they are the ones responsible for the recent Mad Max game which, while overly repetitive, is a very decent open world title as well as the Just Cause franchise.

With that in mind maybe I should cut it some slack, both MM and JC are utterly enjoyable open world games so it sort of suggests GZ will follow that pattern.



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40 minutes ago, Mr X said:

Nope, neither

If they pop up on sale, they are not a bad purchase. JC1 is way out of date, but there is definitely fun to be had with 2 and 3.


MM is a very decent game, it's only real flaw is that it's repetitive - but the same could be said for other open world games.


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4 hours ago, 54_and_counting said:

Mad max was free on the PS store a few months ago, cracking game even with the repetitiveness, the driving mechanics (including the drive fighting) were outstanding and the hand to hand combat wasnt bad either

It has been on and off sale on Steam too, normally about £3 or £4 which is still great value even if it's not free.

You are totally right though, great game that at times can be a little grindy but is no less good for it.

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