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About 54_and_counting

  • Birthday 13/03/1982

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  1. How is skye with getting lifted etc? Cause you can get a harness type thing that goes under them and when you walk you can essentially take a lot of the weight off their back legs, might help keep her active a wee bit more and her mind active We tried that with finn in his final few months but he absolutely hated being lifted underneath by anything so refused point blank it lol, ive seen other older dogs with it though
  2. Do not, for one second, feel ashamed and embarrassed by how you are feeling, Feeling alone and struggling is the absolute fucking pits, to the point where even good advice is misses because your mind is all over the place Im lucky (i think i am anyway) that my worst state was brought on by lockdown, i still worked but literally every day was work then home, absolutely nothing else, no variation I lost my routine of football games midweek, trips out with my partner to things like lunch etc, i had grown so accustomed to that, that when it went away my mindset went south big time Took me both a while to admit my issues and then a while to sort them out but i did, it can be done, i know my issues were likely nothing compared to others, but the fact you are putting them out there is a first step and a sign that you have the strength to face them and beat them If its any help, what i did was start focusing on small things i could fix, once one was done i moved onto another, it sounds daft but the loss of playing football, so i took up running, once i got into that i felt like i was moving in a positive direction, then focused on other small things and before i knew it i had chipped away at the weight i felt on my mind
  3. Its like they also try to force (no pun intended) too much into the shows as well The acolyte had potential, back in the pre skywalker days, lots of jedi, sith pulling strings in the background, but they try and over complicate it with shit like witches and creating the twins blah blah blah Its not the worst storyline granted, but what made star wars enjoyable (with regards to jedi, sith, the force etc) is the use of these magical looking things, lightsabers for example were originally known as THE weapon, nothing could stop it, now we have two differing types of armour that can, its lost its magical appeal We hardly see the force being used even though its this amazingly powerful thing that only certain people can manipulate and wield, For me, what made the clone wars animated series so good, was its absolute basics in stories, the war between republic and separatists, granted there was a few dodgy stories woven into the whole thing, but overall its basic "good vs bad" with a little bit of grey thrown in made it an easy and enjoyable watch The battle in the forest in the acolyte was bloody good imo, but waiting till ep 5 for that was ridiculous, give us more fight scenes like that
  4. Good to see disney havent lost the art of finding something actually good and fucking ruining it The saber fights were bloody good, but as usual disney ruin the episode with the rest of the nonsense
  5. If dessers got no change out of the frankfurt backline because the rest of the team was 40 yards behind him then clement gets the blame for allowing that to happen The Hungarian defence is no better than the swiss defence but scotland put them under way way more pressure Scotlands best moments against the swiss came from a turnover and quick counter, Hungary never allowed that last night apart from the armstrong penalty incident, Imagine the difference if adams had a support runner up top with him, he makes a gap and someone tries to get in it
  6. So you could have done a number on clarke and you have no coaching badges Does that not indicate to you how poor a manager he is then? As for beef with clarke, said it before, i have no love for international football, success or failure isnt the be all and end all for me, i enjoy a good debate/discussion about football and probably have spent more time discussing Scotland because for some reason i feel you get a more reasoned debate than during club football season As for the players, he played a 541 with pretty much 4 midfielders who'll spend their time goalside, apart from robertson and mctominay the odd time in games, theres barely an outball there Ralston isnt a good footballer, even if he was good at right back he isn't a wing back, so basing your system on your two wide players getting you up the park is mental when one can't do it He could have sacrificed a centre half and mcgregor (i still stand by he isnt good enough for this level, in europe for celtic he's a passenger more often than not) and brought on another two plauers further up to keep Hungary penned in and maybe get something However he instead invited Hungary to come out because it was clear to see ideas had ran out pretty damn quickly A 4231 for the second half would have kept Hungary guessing at the back
  7. Basing an opinion on a team on their world ranking isnt the best idea belgium and england are above spain the now As for the cagey and reliant on set pieces to score from, does that not sound like a fucking riddy when you try and score from a set piece instead of open play Scotland had the chance to go through the group stages, all they had to do was beat a Hungarian team arguably no better than Scotland, and who had conceded 5 goals in 2 games The difference last night is that the Hungarian manager had a plan to stifle Clarke one and only open play option and he did it to perfection Clarke meanwhile looked every bit of the average club manager he was whos sole job was to make killie tough to break down and hope for the best, when his one plan didnt work he sat there absolutely clueless as how to change it
  8. New series will hopefully be the start of more stuff like that appearing again For all the marvel tv shows, arguably the netflix ones were the best in terms of characters and storylines (bar iron fist, man they fucked that) Daredevil and punisher were absolutely fantastic series
  9. Doesn't matter how good your players are if your manager doesn't pick them and the ones he does pick aren't set up properly Scotland have decent enough footballers that can put on a performance, but its like they are encouraged not to because clarke is shit scared of conceding instead of thinking "how many can we score"
  10. It needs to be asked, were the players allowed to show up The qualifiers are completely different, is a long league based system where to odd point instead of a loss can mean the difference At a tournament its much different, an opening day win almost guarantees you qualification, 3pts now could get you into the playoffs Yet even knowing how evenly matched scotland are with hungary, clarke still set them up to not concede firstly before even thinking of scoring
  11. A 541 with 3 centres halves and ralston, along with mcgregor mcginn and gilmour is far too defensive for a game that you win you're through, no ifs or buts, thats 7 of your outfield 10 who prefer to stay goalside and work that way (could argue mctominay does that as well but he's still likely to break forward as much) Fair nuff starting like that, but the minute hungary set up the barbed wire and moats on their 18yard line, Clarke could easily have put Christie on for ralston (give more attacking on the right side) or a centre half off and put a working runner up top as well so the guys playing the ball can hit something
  12. See when the more attacking players are brought on (especially attacking mids) thats when gilmour would be at his best, taking the ball off the defence and finding a forward pass Absolute riot of a setup to play gilmour when you are at your most defensive and all he can do is pass backwards or sideways cause theres f**k all in front of him
  13. He clearly planned to win the game at some point Can the same be said about Clarke given in a straight shoot out game against a team who conceded 5 goals in 2 games, he started a 541
  14. They didnt play it masterfully but they set out to complete negate scotlands only attacking option which is the counter attack, hungary knew they'd get chances eventually as the scottish backline is poor, they just knew they couldn't get caught on the break Whereas clarke seen his gameplan no happen, and did f**k all till it was too late
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