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First Man

Hey! Ho! Jambo!

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's good. Damn good. 

As expected, it looked incredible - sometimes distractedly so when a crucial piece of information is getting told and I was too wrapped up in the image - and the sound was so fucking good that (CLICHE INCOMING) you were completely transported into the cockpit. Recently, Dunkirk's the only film I've seen that comes close to that level of immersion. I also loved how cheap and dirty most of the equipment looked, really making you feel the period accuracy and their desperation to beat the Soviets. 

The story is pretty much bookended by two massive moments in Neil's life and everything in between can feel a little slow - and he could feel a little boring if not for Ryan Gosling being brilliant and the writing really making his reserved persona understandable - but it's all conducive to making the ending really hit home. There were times when I was wondering what the point of a certain scene was, but it all makes sense come the end when you're looking back on the whole thing. Everything about him just feels so real and believable. 

Given it's one of the most iconic events of all-time and you know how it ends, they did a remarkable job of ramping up the tension in the claustrophobic cockpit scenes to the point where you're questioning your own knowledge of the proceedings. 

I had a couple of similar complaints as I did for Darkest Hour in that they included a couple of potentially interesting moments that could've gone somewhere, but they were dropped as quickly as they were brought up, seemingly only included to say that they didn't neglect certain aspect. 

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