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Sam Morrison (ardrossan winton rovers)


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today junior football and the town of Ardrossan lost one of its true gentlemen in Sam Morrison, anyone who visited Winton park would have come across sam in the last 50 years, the happy face and legendary bicycle that was almost as old as him. I remember in the lean times when the club could not afford to pay players in cash a local sponsor who happened to be a hamcurer gave Sam packets of bacon at cost price so the players could sell them to make a few bob, great idea until a  carload of players got stopped by the police one night and found the boot full of bacon, a quick phone call to Sam sorted that one out, he was known as Ham Morrison at that time. God bless you mate, the club and town wont forget you 

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I’m Sam’s granddaughter and as a family we laughed at this story. Thanks for posting your memories on here, he will be sorely missed. He truly adored Winton. 


Sam’s family x

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Sad when you hear of men giving years and decades to the local team and then passing away as we all will one day. Some clubs never really recover when the characters like Sam pass on. You couldn't make that that ham story up. You can only hope there's younger bloods ready to step up when men like Sam pass on. Btw respect to the family and thank you to wintonfan for the shout out.


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i knew him all my life, he worked at the harbour in the office and my late father was on the tug, you wont find a person in the town that doesnt have a story or 10 to tell about him, between the winton and the park church everyone knew him. The ham story just came into my head, that was sam. i mind when he 1st got a computer and i was trying to help him with spreadsheets, got them set up and showed him how to add and amend, few days later i would get a phone call... you know the rest... thing was i never minded in the least helping him as he was just one of life's good guys

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Sam Morrison' Family have asked the Club to share the follow information about Sam's funeral  to all his friends in the Junior game and beyond

"We would like to let our family and friends know that there will be a short committal service at Holmsford Bridge Crematorium on Friday 21st June at 1.30pm, followed by a Service of Thanksgiving at Park Parish Church at 2.30pm. At mum’s request, please wear bright colours.
Family flowers only please, but donations may be made on the day in lieu to local causes which were close to dad’s and the family’s hearts.
Once again we would like to express how touched and grateful we all are for all the love and sympathy that’s been surrounding us since dad died. We knew how amazing he was, but didn’t fully appreciate the depth of feeling there was among people who knew him, so thank you."


Sam in Trews.jpg

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Had the pleasure of the Alberts first trip to Ardrossan this season and even although the game was played in monsoon conditions it was a great club to visit with Sam leading the welcome 

Guys like Sam is what the juniors are built on and unfortunately we have lost to many fine men like Sam this season

The thoughts and prayers of all at Royal Albert go to his family and friends and to all at Ardrossan 

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