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Extreme Rules 2019

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I didn't have much time to watch this so I skipped several matches (including the last 2). From what I saw my MOTN was the SD tag title match. Bell to bell fun action. Crowd were absolutely dead for Ricochet vs AJ but to be fair it never really got to the next level. 

Taker match was very well worked, shame about the failed attempt at getting Shane up for the tombstone. And I think deep down we all knew Brock was cashing in tonight, they need him for SummerSlam.

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Don't like Seth Rollins as baby-face champion at all so I was pleased with the ending. As long as Brock doesn't hold onto it for too long this time it's a decent move. I would like to see them rebuild Braun Strowman to eventually be champion and last night's match was a good start. 

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All in all, a pretty solid show.  Nothing absolutely spectacular, but a great card, executed largely well, and Taker managed to get through a match without looking like a complete jobber for once.

However, that promo from Rollins and Lynch early in the show was fucking excruciating.  "HURHUR BECKY DON'T LIKE HOLDING HANDS AND THAT, SHE'S A MAN HURHUR".  Fucking hell guys, you really have to go some to be insulting to both sides of the gender divide.  How can two people who are probably at it like crossfit rabbits have so little visible chemistry too?  I can only imagine that they're really not comfortable with having the relationship front and center, which I can completely understand.  Hopefully now that this storyline is over, Becky can go off and do her thing while Rollins does his.  It really isn't helping either of them.

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Brock could be a great champion, it just comes down to how much he can be arsed and how often he appears.  If Paul Heyman is indeed holding a lot of power, then surely he'd be a bit more inclined to appear, particularly as surely WWE can afford to pay him.  He's proved that with the right guys, he can put on a thrilling match, and there still isn't anyone really that can match the spectacle of watching him literally throw people like fucking darts.

But if he continues to just appear every other PPV, or even just the big 4, beating whoever comes up against him in the usual fashion, then it'll be utter shite again.

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found a stream there and watched this. pretty decent show tbh. I enjoyed the SD tag, Ricochet v AJ, Braun v Bobby and Black v Cesaro and I dont usually enjoy that many.

Agree with Seth not suiting the babyface champ, hopefully we see Brock a few weeks and he half bothers and It could be a good move.

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