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7 hours ago, Hillonearth said:

Unfortunately, the truth in a nutshell is that there always will be those resistant to any form of change...even when the old Ayrshire and Central divisions of the West were amalgamated a few years back there were dark mutterings from some that it would "pit teams oot the game" Which it obviously didn't - all that happened was some lower division clubs playing other lower division clubs  that weren't the same ones they'd faced for years.

There seems to be some effort to posit the existence of a silent majority of fans and club officials who are unhappy with the way things have developed, but I suspect that's more a minority projecting their own feelings...I've said on here before that maybe five or ten years ago there would have been more opposition at my club to moving as there were some old-stagers still involved at that point who saw any change to the status quo as a personal affront.

I reckon most who support teams though support the club regardless of what the league they find themselves in is called. You can't attempt to preserve 60-odd clubs in aspic just because the way things were back in the day was how you liked it better.

There are some who seem to have invested a lot of emotional capital in the "grade" thing, but as ever when asked to define what makes the Juniors distinct from other levels of football, there's never a coherent answer forthcoming.

I'll ask it again though without any real expectation of an answer...what exactly makes Junior football different from football in all its other manifestations in your mind?



HOE  there are guys who still hanker after the days of the old Lanarkshire League never mind the Central League.

Don't think the silent fans/club officials are in a majority but there's certainly a lot of them and  might even be more after the moving of the goalposts which has angered quite a few of the lower league clubs (notably St Anthonys). 4 that I know of are already reconsidering their positions but whether that will lead to actions rather than words who knows.

If nothing transpires from all the unrest Im sure the new WOSL will take off and eventually things will settle down  

I follow Motherwell and have supported them for over 50 years so I watch senior football most of the time but enjoy an occasional  foray back into Non League football (I'll resist using the word Juniors as it seems to upset a lot of people) for a different spectator experience and meet up with old friends  for an alternative football perspective from the guys I usually sit/stand beside.

I will go and support the teams I normally follow no matter where they play because of course there is nothing substantial which makes Juniors distinct from any other level of non league football except perhaps the quality of football on the park. They obviously have a lot more history and tradition than some of the other leagues and perhaps some people want to keep hold of that and  of course that is their right whether you agree with them or not.











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23 minutes ago, santheman said:

HOE  there are guys who still hanker after the days of the old Lanarkshire League never mind the Central League.

Don't think the silent fans/club officials are in a majority but there's certainly a lot of them and  might even be more after the moving of the goalposts which has angered quite a few of the lower league clubs (notably St Anthonys). 4 that I know of are already reconsidering their positions but whether that will lead to actions rather than words who knows.

If nothing transpires from all the unrest Im sure the new WOSL will take off and eventually things will settle down  

I follow Motherwell and have supported them for over 50 years so I watch senior football most of the time but enjoy an occasional  foray back into Non League football (I'll resist using the word Juniors as it seems to upset a lot of people) for a different spectator experience and meet up with old friends  for an alternative football perspective from the guys I usually sit/stand beside.

I will go and support the teams I normally follow no matter where they play because of course there is nothing substantial which makes Juniors distinct from any other level of non league football except perhaps the quality of football on the park. They obviously have a lot more history and tradition than some of the other leagues and perhaps some people want to keep hold of that and  of course that is their right whether you agree with them or not.


Very true, there are always going to be those old guys who are attached to a club and will be dead set against any change because it makes things look less like The Way Things Were In My Day and that seeing those changes made brings it home to them that time is passing...that's why I was saying my lot would have met some real internal opposition to moving even five or ten years ago.

The moving of the goalposts is annoying mainly for the fact probably will add fuel to the fire for the naysayers - it only was ever for one year though, and I doubt the possibility of three or four decent home gates is a dealbreaker. I reckon there were up to 20 teams that simply didn't want to move and were forced into doing so by being told there would be nowhere left for them to stay in. One size does not necessarily fit all, but that one's down to the West Region's stance, no-one else's.

And yeah, everyone's got things they'd rather have stayed the same - for example I miss going to cavernous crumbling old grounds like old Petershill and Tinto Park that were steeped in history and atmosphere, and I don't look forward to visiting the new versions anywhere near as much...having said that though the Peasy and the Bens didn't have history wipes when they moved and are still exactly the same clubs they were before moving...in exactly the same way as their history, tradition and general club vibe will stay unchanged after they both move league.

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On 28/04/2020 at 20:12, santheman said:

Why do people still shop in the Co-op when there’s a Tesco Superstore down the road.

Why do people still go to a caravan when you can book into a 4 star hotel for the same price.

Why do some people still refuse to use a mobile phone and keep their landline 

It’s what people of a certain generation have been used to and don’t want or like change even if it’s for the better but it shouldn’t make them the object of ridicule by some on here.



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1 hour ago, santheman said:

Whats he got to do with Junior Football?

Ah I get it.   Anyone who takes an interest in it is a Tory supporting racist???????

"don’t want or like change even if it’s for the better"

Exactly the same as that guy. 

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On ‎28‎/‎04‎/‎2020 at 15:20, santheman said:

That was a daring post considering the amount of people on here who take great delight in shooting down any views with the word "Juniors" in it.

You're right though, there is still a very large (but non vocal) amount of fans and club officials who feel as if they've been dragged screaming and kicking into this new league and would probably have preferred to stay where they were.

I was surprised that there wasn't an alternative offer put to the clubs by the WRJFA to continue with some form of League set up for those clubs as the infrastructure and Management set up was still there, but probably not galvanised enough to get themselves organised.

The pyramid was, and is a great achievement for those clubs who wanted to be part of it but there could have been a 2nd choice for those who didn't. 

No-one has been dragged anywhere. Clubs could, quite simply, have no joined the WoSFL. If enough clubs said "thanks but no thanks" then they could have a wee league of their own joined the ammies or joined the leftovers in the East Region. They all chose to join the WoSFL. If there are enough fans and club officials who want keep their own wee kingdom they can do so.

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