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Afghanistan Crisis

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9 hours ago, Ad Lib said:

Yes, some estimates put it closer to 55 million.

But still, anything the Han Chinese do is an “internal matter”. Move along Tibet, nothing to see here.

All the crackpot high end estimates involve counting a drop in the birth rate as deaths. Absolute nonsense. I recently read The Battle For China's Past by Mobo Gao and he debunks a lot of the fake histography dreamed up the West and CCP right wingers. 

The best crazy claim about China is from a Dutch right wing historian who claimed about a decade ago that 1/4 of all buildings in China were demolished during the Cultural Revolution. Apparently no one noticed for 40 years until he figured it out. 

Tibet was a slave society when the PLA invaded. That should be right up your interventionist street but there must be something different about this one......

Edited by Detournement
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Guest TheJTS98
3 minutes ago, TheBruce said:

Lastly the only c***s engaging in wars and threatening wars are the US and none of it for nation building. Only now are some now standing up to them. The west have f**k all to be proud of. Domestically riots a daily occurrence in the US, Germany, France, Greece, Italy, Spain, and even in the UK. We have managed to be champions of bottom feeders.

The facts speak for themselves. It is you who are denying the evidence in front of you. Get out more ffs and smell the coffee. Your obviously a western media propaganda lover.  



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6 minutes ago, TheBruce said:

Cant remember Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, the South China sea,  Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan just off the coast of NYS, but no doubt you'll be an expert in geography as well.  

There's a red under the bed! Oh no it's a Taliban! Oh wait a minute, it's Venezualan. No, it's a Cuban. .......🤣

Christ, mate, I hope you're a few time zones ahead of the UK, because if this is the way you start the morning, your BP will be off the scale by lunchtime. 

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37 minutes ago, TheBruce said:

Cant remember Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, the South China sea,  Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan just off the coast of NYS, but no doubt you'll be an expert in geography as well.  

There's a red under the bed! Oh no it's a Taliban! Oh wait a minute, it's Venezualan. No, it's a Cuban. .......🤣

Is this some sort of shit Billy Joel tribute act?

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1 hour ago, NotThePars said:

Swung back round to enjoying Fullerene’s Standard Grade History textbook type of posting.

Now now, let us amateurs at least pretend we can join in the convo! 

I was reading the last few pages thinking, have folk forgotten about Genghis, was tempted to post it and then scrolled down to see this... 

13 hours ago, Proposition Joe said:

Genghis Khan was a naughty lad levels of whataboutery going on here.

*draft deleted* 

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18 hours ago, TheJTS98 said:

Every country does what it thinks it can get away with. It's silly to get angry with some countries for playing a better hand than others, when the others all just wish they could.

Is it silly to get angry about this being the way supposed civilised people operate their affairs?

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Guest TheJTS98
7 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

Is it silly to get angry about this being the way supposed civilised people operate their affairs?

No. It's silly to behave as if any one country is more guilty than another.

I'd like things to be different. But pretending that the USA and the UK are some kind of special case just flies in the face of all available evidence.

Unless you're implying that other countries are less civilised. Which is your business.

Countries behave like dicks. The ones that don't would if they had to and were able to. We know this because across all parts of the world and throughout history all kinds of countires/kingdoms/empires have done so when they could and it was in their interests.

If Malawi perceived the need to economically strangle Canada and felt it had the means to do so, it would try to do so.

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2 minutes ago, TheJTS98 said:

No. It's silly to behave as if any one country is more guilty than another.

I'd like things to be different. But pretending that the USA and the UK are some kind of special case just flies in the face of all available evidence.

Unless you're implying that other countries are less civilised. Which is your business.

Countries behave like dicks. The ones that don't would if they had to and were able to. We know this because across all parts of the world and throughout history all kinds of countires/kingdoms/empires have done so when they could and it was in their interests.

If Malawi perceived the need to economically strangle Canada and felt it had the means to do so, it would try to do so.

I see your point in regards to pretending that we're a special case but I think it's still entirely reasonable to be angry that this is how the UK and USA act. The fact that if we didn't act this way others would doesn't really make a difference to me - like when people say "if we didn't sell the Saudi's guns someone else would" - well, aye, but it still makes us c***s for doing it. 

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Guest TheJTS98
1 minute ago, The Moonster said:

I see your point in regards to pretending that we're a special case but I think it's still entirely reasonable to be angry that this is how the UK and USA act. The fact that if we didn't act this way others would doesn't really make a difference to me - like when people say "if we didn't sell the Saudi's guns someone else would" - well, aye, but it still makes us c***s for doing it. 

I don't disagree with that.

I take issue with people hitting out with Student Union-style soundbites about the USA and their 'poodle' being somehow uniquely evil in the international sphere.

We're not by any measure unusual. Either historically or by the standards of today. Everyone would do it if they could.

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13 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

I see your point in regards to pretending that we're a special case but I think it's still entirely reasonable to be angry that this is how the UK and USA act. The fact that if we didn't act this way others would doesn't really make a difference to me - like when people say "if we didn't sell the Saudi's guns someone else would" - well, aye, but it still makes us c***s for doing it. 

The problem with this line of thinking is that the alternative isn't "Saudi doesn't get guns, improving the situation" it's "Saudi gets Chinese guns, making the situation even worse".

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Guest TheJTS98

I suppose the sort of behaviour the British Empire exemplified is well shown in Malaysia.

The locals had their land taken off them after the incomers found it be economically useful to them. Their local political leaders were manipulated into ceding power to the incomers and this led to a period of political and religious persecution. They were treated as second-class citizens and often violently forced into slavery. To this day they struggle over ownership of their own land and access to its resources.

Except the incomers described above aren't the British. They're the Malays and that paragraph describes their treatment of the Orang Asli who lived here and had done for thousands of years before the Malays arrived and established a new civilisation.

The Europeans who came here just repeated the same process. Pretending Westerners invented being a p***k is just a sign of someone's complete ignorance of history.

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