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Thomas Covenant Movie


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As it says on the tin there are plans to film the books and Disney (!) have acquired the rights to the series. In a way I'm pleased to see this as the books are a class above many of the fantasy series that have been filmed in the wake of LotR's success. It will be interesting to see how the difficult opening scene upon Covenant's transition to the Land will be filmed.

Potentially 10 books to be fillumed....

The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant - Wikipedia

Edited by btb
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If Disney has anything to do with it they'll turn it into an anodyne fairy tale.

However, TC is one of my favourite fictional characters (certainly not a hero) and LA turns out to be a great protagonist as well. My favourite though has to be the development of Lord Mhoram!

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I read the (First) Chronicles as they were released, and thought them superb. I became less enthralled as the second trilogy progressed, to the extent that I felt a bit relieved when I got to the end of White Gold Wielder. Maybe I had just grown out of "Tolkein-by-the-pound" fantasy by that time. Probably a coincidence that I was introduced to Covenant by the lass who popped the WRK cherry, and the second chronicles finished the same year as I joined the workforce and moved out of the parental home and into my first co-habitation?

Anyhoo, glad to be proved wrong, but this looks like another attempt to monetise the GoT fanbase. I'll reserve judgment.

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