Well then, I was discharged on Friday 3/5 ( insurance issues). On the Saturday morning the Medicaid nurse came to do a check and decided that because of the steps up to my front door, the state of my flat and the pharmacy not having my meds “ you can’t stay here, it’s not safe”.
Couple of phone calls later and I was on my way back here to the care facility. They are apparently not going to discharge me until I have either got the flat clean or I/they find alternative accommodation.
To top it off on 8/5 I had a phone call from work. “…sorry, we can’t hold your job any longer” so effectively I’ve been fired. Really pissed off at that!
Still doing my exercises and still walking every day (both slowly improving), and I’ve had to start applying for jobs.
It’s shite, no joke, but I don’t see what more I can do for now.
I’ll be okay though, too fukcing stubborn (or stupid) to give up, (and at least I’m not a Caley supporter)
Keep trucking P&Bers, you have no idea how helpful you guys and girls are.