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How did we get here?

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2 hours ago, tamba_trio said:

I think it's also worth considering that, at some point, Scottish football jumped the shark with regards to its treatment of the Old Firm.  To use this week's Scottish Cup as an example, the priority of TV coverage for the tournament is now show the Rangers game, show the Celtic game (obviously regardless of opponents) and then throw a dart at the other ties and show whatever, who cares?

It wasn't always like this. If we go back 30 years media coverage was almost fair. Well, it wasn't fair, but it kinda pretended it was trying. Motherwell v Aberdeen was the tie of the Third Round back in 1991, ahead of Celtic (at Forfar) and Rangers (at home to Dunfermline). Hell, the day after Celtic beat Rangers 1-0 in the 1990 Scottish Cup the back page of the Daily Record had the headline DONS GET IT TOUGH because they'd drawn Aberdeen in the next round.

I think we jumped the shark in 2002, when we switched to the BBC TV deal. At that point, Saturday night highlights disappeared and the live game was simply "who are the Old Firm away to this week". That became the norm, and it's got more extreme throughout the years. It might have happened earlier though I think this was the nail in the coffin for the rest of the league.

I  don’t agree with it, but I suspect the broadcasters response to this would be that their key metrics probably support their output decisions. 

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