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The Hamilton Accies Championship Thread

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19 hours ago, Owsley 2 said:

Livingston threw a lot of money at it. OK, it won them the League Cup but it also led to administration. St Johnstone historically have been a bigger club with a bigger support. They've had several European seasons. Apart from the 30s, Accies have had one season in the top flight in the 50s, one in the 60s, none in the 70s, two in the 80s and none in the 90s. We struggle to reach 300 season tickets, St Johnstone have sold over 2,000 already. Not sure what was the most we sold in the Premier, I'm think we sold at least 800 when they were only £150.


I've said before, I wanted Canning gone after the 4-1 Annan humiliation but he did keep us up for two seasons. And look where we are now.

Common sense and very true, Some Accies fans really do live on another planet, Throw money at a club with around 1000 fans and you end up going bust. It's almost guaranteed, bigger clubs than Accies tried it and failed, What makes some Accies fans think throwing money at players would end up in anything other than disaster, Livingston will be in trouble when they come down, they already are because the Dykes money has run out. No matter the thoughts on the Mcdonald era it was a major achievement to get there and stay in the top league, Its not Accies natural place in Scottish football, Anyone who thinks it is is deluded and in for a very disappointing future. 

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11 hours ago, Ian Mcleod said:

At the end of the day Ronnie did do a great job for 15 years but he valued giving his mates jobs and ownership status and hoping for the best instead of appointing the right people. The Canning manager appointment Daz assistant and McGowan being given ownership status are examples of these there is more people could name. And he could never take blame for anything I'm glad he doesn't get to appoint another manager because if he was we all know it would of been Daz which would of been a disaster hopefully when the time comes for Seref to appoint his first manager whenever that is he goes for the best candidate rather than appoint a mate who is out of depth from day 1 and hope for the best like Ronnie did a couple of times. Hopefully he can also accept criticism and not throw a full meltdown everytime like Ronnie did. So far Seref has started of very well with signings good to see that gala day and fans fourm on Sunday as well as it's something the fans have wanted for a while. However the Social media stuff needs to improve. Still need a couple signings as well rankin did say in the media during midweek he wanted at least 1 in by the game tomorrow wonder if we will we get a match day signing.

Indeed, Pretty much agree, One thing I'd add, A certain section of fans need to move on, Start supporting Accies again instead of sniping at every social media post, Its laughable and childish. A touch of reality is also needed, We're not a sleeping giant, We're a fallen minnow. Love or hate Mcdonald,  Gray it's unlikely Accies will ever enjoy days like that Aberdeen game again. 

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3 minutes ago, George Caplin said:

Start supporting Accies again instead of sniping at every social media post

Maybe if those fans got the apologies they deserve for the absolute nonsense that was said about them earlier this year they would be more inclined to do so.

Their support for Accies, however, isn't in question.

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Just now, Todd_is_God said:

Maybe if those fans got the apologies they deserve for the absolute nonsense that was said about them earlier this year they would be more inclined to do so.

Their support for Accies, however, isn't in question.

For such a poisonous section of support they seem to be very delicate and don't enjoy receiving what I've very often seen them handing out. I doubt they'll get an apology deserved or not and I doubt they'll apologise for what they hand out, Maybe it's just time to move on for everyone rather than tear the club apart ? As I mentioned earlier most fans are sick of it. Time to get back to football for everyone at club and in the stands. Just move on. 

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4 minutes ago, George Caplin said:

For such a poisonous section of support they seem to be very delicate and don't enjoy receiving what I've very often seen them handing out. I doubt they'll get an apology deserved or not and I doubt they'll apologise for what they hand out, Maybe it's just time to move on for everyone rather than tear the club apart ? As I mentioned earlier most fans are sick of it. Time to get back to football for everyone at club and in the stands. Just move on. 

I won't be too harsh here as is clear you have very little idea about some of the shite that the club have been up to.

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14 minutes ago, George Caplin said:

Indeed, Pretty much agree, One thing I'd add, A certain section of fans need to move on, Start supporting Accies again instead of sniping at every social media post, Its laughable and childish. A touch of reality is also needed, We're not a sleeping giant, We're a fallen minnow. Love or hate Mcdonald,  Gray it's unlikely Accies will ever enjoy days like that Aberdeen game again. 

I think fans have the right to be annoyed and complain tbh some of our fans have been threatened by current and past board members and a couple of our fans were banned from games for a few weeks because they ran a Facebook GC that doesn't fulfill the boards agenda from what I've heard. They're is still a board member that has been a big part of this who's still at the club and he's been mentioned many times on signing posts. at the end of the day I think fans should and will back Seref and the team as they're all doing a good job Seref has made a good start. but I don't think we should forget about the behaviour of past board members and 1 current board member.

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George- to say the club do not deserve flack for anything is beyond a joke. No fan i know or have spoken to believes we are a top division team and were well aware our time there was temporary. (Maybe you have a bit of an agenda against Section A? i dont know)

What is beyond question is that very little was done to build on the success achieved. I dont care if we are in the lowland league, i will still be there every week regardless. All us die hards want is a proper sustainable FOOTBALL club that values its support and is run by people who work to create an actual community football club we are proud to be part of. Putting the boot into your support whenver possible is abhorant. (especially when based on lies which is what has happened recentley no?)

Loyalty does not mean that we as fans should shut up and accept whatever we get. You will note whenever the club does anything positve in regards to football, i will highlight and praise. However, moaning auld buggers like me need to call out the crap they do in an attempt to get them to improve and i do not see why we should appologise for this as paying customers. (Without being abusive)

As i have stated, i have made numerous attempts to engage with the club to highlight and resolve issues. All i have ever recieved is dismisive attitudes and down right ignorance. Strangely enough this tends to annoy folk when you are going out of your way to give them money!

Sorry , i am trying hard not to clog up a public forum with loads of rants and arguments. We all ned to state our position and views but come on, everything is not rosey. Improvements appear to be happening and you cant say we are not being positive in that regard.

Anyway sure we will all be there today supporting our ever improving team! I am away for a pint lol.

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9 minutes ago, Beckford said:

George- to say the club do not deserve flack for anything is beyond a joke. No fan i know or have spoken to believes we are a top division team and were well aware our time there was temporary. (Maybe you have a bit of an agenda against Section A? i dont know)

What is beyond question is that very little was done to build on the success achieved. I dont care if we are in the lowland league, i will still be there every week regardless. All us die hards want is a proper sustainable FOOTBALL club that values its support and is run by people who work to create an actual community football club we are proud to be part of. Putting the boot into your support whenver possible is abhorant. (especially when based on lies which is what has happened recentley no?)

Loyalty does not mean that we as fans should shut up and accept whatever we get. You will note whenever the club does anything positve in regards to football, i will highlight and praise. However, moaning auld buggers like me need to call out the crap they do in an attempt to get them to improve and i do not see why we should appologise for this as paying customers. (Without being abusive)

As i have stated, i have made numerous attempts to engage with the club to highlight and resolve issues. All i have ever recieved is dismisive attitudes and down right ignorance. Strangely enough this tends to annoy folk when you are going out of your way to give them money!

Sorry , i am trying hard not to clog up a public forum with loads of rants and arguments. We all ned to state our position and views but come on, everything is not rosey. Improvements appear to be happening and you cant say we are not being positive in that regard.

Anyway sure we will all be there today supporting our ever improving team! I am away for a pint lol.

I didn't say the club didn't deserve criticism, I said time to move on, Didn't even read the rest of your post because you couldn't even get the first part right 

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1 hour ago, Todd_is_God said:

I won't be too harsh here as is clear you have very little idea about some of the shite that the club have been up to.

Ahhhh the old I know best argument, really ? Criticism of Accies is justified in many cases but you can't expect anyone at the club to enjoy criticism in the same way you and the others aren't enjoying me criticising you or fellow fans, Justified or not criticism brings out a defensive mechanism in us all. So then the tit for tat from both sides continues like a primary school playground and doesn't do anyone any good. Time to move on . 

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37 minutes ago, George Caplin said:

I didn't say the club didn't deserve criticism, I said time to move on, Didn't even read the rest of your post because you couldn't even get the first part right 

Too many truths, fair enough enjoy the game

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18 minutes ago, George Caplin said:

Ahhhh the old I know best argument, really ? Criticism of Accies is justified in many cases but you can't expect anyone at the club to enjoy criticism in the same way you and the others aren't enjoying me criticising you or fellow fans, Justified or not criticism brings out a defensive mechanism in us all. So then the tit for tat from both sides continues like a primary school playground and doesn't do anyone any good. Time to move on . 

I'm not talking about criticism, though.

Either you aren't aware of the shite the club have been up to, or you don't care because it didn't impact you.

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8 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

I'm not talking about criticism, though.

Either you aren't aware of the shite the club have been up to, or you don't care because it didn't impact you.

The primary school playground is obviously way above you 

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9 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

I'm not talking about criticism, though.

Either you aren't aware of the shite the club have been up to, or you don't care because it didn't impact you.

Or taking the party line and pretending it didnt happen?

Mon theres a game on the day lets focus on that for now.

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1 hour ago, Beckford said:

Or taking the party line and pretending it didnt happen?

Mon theres a game on the day lets focus on that for now.

As I've demonstrated here criticism can be hard to take and always brings a reaction,  Its part of Todds game, What some of our more lovely fans can't get into their heads is that there's a difference between an opinion, criticism and abuse. 


As you say, " mon there's  a game on the day"  That's the attitude 👌  Live in the here and now and don't dwell on the past. It can't be changed 

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2 hours ago, George Caplin said:

As I've demonstrated here criticism can be hard to take and always brings a reaction,  Its part of Todds game, What some of our more lovely fans can't get into their heads is that there's a difference between an opinion, criticism and abuse. 

And yet i'm not talking about any of the above.

You're embarassing yourself now tbh by dancing around the issues i'm now absolutely certain you are at least perfectly aware of.

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John Rankin's coat must be on a shoogly peg tonight - this squad is too good to be making the same mistakes as last season. Alarm bells might not have been ringing after the Cumbernauld game, but the first half v Clyde, the lackadaisical performance v Brechin, and now this performance today means that they absolutely are now.

We simply can't afford to let someone who has shown repeatedly he makes poor subs, cannot motivate a group of players and/or install the correct mentality remain in place long enough to put an immediate return to the Championship in jeopardy.

To be absolutely blunt it just isn't good enough.

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I think it's fair to say that we've been really poor in buildup but decent in the final third. It's too disjointed unless we get into settled attacking play and it's all a bit passive out of possession, but I don't think you can deny that there have been flashes of a decent footballing side across these games. 

I suppose what we'll find out is if the first half against Livi is the norm or if it's the second half of today. 

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33 minutes ago, accies1874 said:

I think it's fair to say that we've been really poor in buildup but decent in the final third. It's too disjointed unless we get into settled attacking play and it's all a bit passive out of possession, but I don't think you can deny that there have been flashes of a decent footballing side across these games. 

I suppose what we'll find out is if the first half against Livi is the norm or if it's the second half of today. 

Based on Cumbernauld, first half v Clyde, Brechin and the second half today, I think we probably already know this answer.

There's a very good team there, but it needs the right leader and I just don't think we've got that.

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So Rankin bottles it again and costs the club more money. The game against Brechin and Today is what has cost us. Wonder if Rankin is still happy he settled for a 1-0 win against Brechin at home knew that would be what cost us as soon as that game finished. Today we could of had the game finished around the half hour mark then again for some reason we start getting deeper and deeper and that's where Cove score the equaliser its all downhill from there. I was one of the fans that wanted Rankin to get another shot but if he's going to keep being negative after a goal up and not change his mentality then he is as good as leaving today. We didn't get knocked out of the cup because of the players we got knocked out because of the manager. 

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