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Well i ventured out yesterday and started to tidy up a bit. Just where do you start? Cut back some dead vegetation and leaves. Some snow drops down there. I even have growth on some of my Clematis. So i guess i will need to feed the. The lawn seems to have survived the rigours of the winter. But the Rosemary has died again.

Feck. Rosemary grows like a weed in my place. I have a nice wee low hedge done in rosemary kinda like a small box hedge but it grows a hell of a lot faster and it smells nice.

I need to get into the garden and sort it out, the place looks like it has been bombed just now and thats just after two weekends of the kids out playing in it.

I've bought a chiminea thing so we can sit outside longer some nights. It's a cast iron one so it will take a bit of planning if someone wants to steal it.:P

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Real selection of birds in the garden in the last couple of weeks.

Had a pair of long tailed tits at the feeder the other day but the bully boy blue tits (loads of them around my house) chased them away.

Also a pair of what I could identify as bull finches, although I'm not convinced they were. They just looked the most likely from the book.

Robins, blue tits, great tits and wrens all been checking out the bird boxes so expecting a lot of lodgers to move in soon.

Crocus, snowdrops and daffs all on the way up. Pity it was fecking snowing overnight and this morning!

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  • 1 month later...

Got a load of stuff done in the garden on Sunday. Most of the stuff in the ground is ok (bleeding hearts, lillies, honeysuckle all producing new growth). Everything in pots has died. Everything. 15+ pots of dead plants :( - that is not including the bay tree, rosemary, thyme etc.

Fist early tatties are in, started off some seeds in greenhouse as well. - peas, squash, beans.

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Guest The Phoenix


Been a lovely day here in Dundee so been getting in and abought the garden

Roundup should kill them.

Worst case scenario is you'll be left with 6% of the problem.

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Question for the gardening folk

How to get nettles out of my grass in the front garden? I also dont want it to affect my grass also

Best to use a Systemic weed treatment.the type you would use on ground Elder. You paint it on to the leaves above ground and it is taken into the roots. Takes time ,but it is effective and it shouldn't kill your grass.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Lovely weather at the weekend - powerwashed all my patio and path.

Dug over and prepared my flower beds - found an old trumpet, but I rooted it oot.

Waiting on my Pansies ('paintbox') being delivered.

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My garden is fucked. It was my daughters birthday on Sunday and there were herds of midgets dressed in pink wrecking the plants.

I did paint the summer house thing on Friday and the rest of the garden is covered in logs that I split and stacked. I finished building a huge woodshed but its full and I still have enough elft over to fill another. I overdid the ordering of wood for the stove.

The grass needs cut and I cant be arsed.

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Does that stain it or keep it the colour it currently is.

I did mine in natural oak so it's darkened it slightly but you can get about 6 colours (one being just natural) so you can keep it the same if you want.

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Can't remember if i asked this previously...

Does anyone know how to get rid of clover from your lawn?

I'm sure there's feed and weed type stuff that will do that. Can't think of a specific one right now (garden centres and DIY stores tend to have their own brands as well as big names anyway, and I doubt there's an awful lot of difference between them all). I don't think it's as drastic as having to dig it all out like couch grass.

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Guest The Phoenix

Can't remember if i asked this previously...

Does anyone know how to get rid of clover from your lawn?

Have tried using Lurpak instead? :unsure:

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Can't remember if i asked this previously...

Does anyone know how to get rid of clover from your lawn?

Some lawn feed stuff has weedkiller built in that will see off clover and dandelions and daisies and stuff like that without harming the grass.

Edited by Reynard
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I'm sure there's feed and weed type stuff that will do that. Can't think of a specific one right now (garden centres and DIY stores tend to have their own brands as well as big names anyway, and I doubt there's an awful lot of difference between them all). I don't think it's as drastic as having to dig it all out like couch grass.

Just a matter of advising a garden store employee what we need then?..

Have tried using Lurpak instead? :unsure:


Some lawn feed stuff has weedkiller built in that will see off clover and dandelions and daisies and stuff like that without harming the grass.

We have jaggy nettles too even though I look after the garden. Reckon there'll be a kill all for these pests.

There's a big field at the back of my house. Think the chances of these recurring are high or would these treatments kill anything that tries to take root?

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Just a matter of advising a garden store employee what we need then?..


We have jaggy nettles too even though I look after the garden. Reckon there'll be a kill all for these pests.

There's a big field at the back of my house. Think the chances of these recurring are high or would these treatments kill anything that tries to take root?

Nettles in your lawn? Cutting it regularly before it gets knee height should deal with those. :P Anything with glyphosphate in it will do away with nettles at the root, but if there is a field full of them near you you will have to keep on dealing with them all the time I think. We have horsetail in one part of the garden and it's a total bugger to get rid of. I think I have managed it though. If you get horsetail put on a rubber glove and spray the weedkiller onto your hand and then gently crush the plant but not enough to destroy it, then the weedkiller gets down to the root system and kills it.

I quite like nettles though, I make nettle soup and nettle tea. I keep a few dandelions around because I like the leaves in salads and the tortoise likes to eat them as well. :lol:

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