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Can Olly Croft do anything about Henderson playing in the tournaments, even if he doesn't want him there?

I think it all depends on whether Henderson had to join the PDPA first, if he had then it would complicate matters. But if not, then even if Croft doesn't like it, Henderson has the immediate right to play. But I'm not sure if Croft would be like that, when he talks about the PDC he always mentions that to him it's about 'the players choice', and he's just there to make his organisation the best he can for it's members.

Will be interesting to hear of any fallout if it occurs!

Edited by Davis Love III
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I read somewhere if you qualify for a tour card you have to join the PDPA. You can cancel your PDPA membership now at any time. If Hendo and the likes don't get a card they will be able to remain BDO players as far as they are aware.

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John Henderson qualified today, quite easily by the look of his results. Will be good to have another Scottish player on the PDC tour. Hope the big fella does well.

Yeah, excellent to see! Hope he does well! It may sound a bit strange, but I think Henderson will have to improve on his fitness and lose some weight if he is to be a real success on the Tour, especially in TV events. I can't see him coping up on the stage for an extended period of time, that might hold him back.

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Think he'll do well enough to make some good money on the tour, good enough to make top 16 or higher I don't know. A great player though, good to see he has the balls to go for it.

I'm not sure if he has the consistency to reach the top 16, and that's a very competitive position to get to, but he'll only get better facing consistently better players!

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Was down at Counties today. Heard a few of the guys there who knew John Henderson talk about his chances in the PDC. Apparently he's been given a year off his work to give it a go for a season. These guys seem to think that he lacks the consistency to make a living from it considering the travelling, accommodation, drink, food and fee costs involved. Good luck to the big lad though, hope he makes it, definitely good for Scottish darts!

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Was down at Counties today. Heard a few of the guys there who knew John Henderson talk about his chances in the PDC. Apparently he's been given a year off his work to give it a go for a season. These guys seem to think that he lacks the consistency to make a living from it considering the travelling, accommodation, drink, food and fee costs involved. Good luck to the big lad though, hope he makes it, definitely good for Scottish darts!

Been looking at the costs involved in doing a year on the tour ... he'll need to win £15,000 just to break even!

I've not checked the OOM but I dare say that Hendo, along with the rest of the tour debutants, will have to be in the top 40/50 to get that kind of money.

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John Henderson qualified today, quite easily by the look of his results. Will be good to have another Scottish player on the PDC tour. Hope the big fella does well.

Delighted to see the big man get through to the PDC events, hopefully now that he has been given a year off from his work he will really put the effort in and pay all his backers back with some decent performances.

I agree with the others who say he needs to try to do something about his fitness if he wants to compete at the highest level on the stages, the heat will kill him up there.

Another thing i would love to see is if he gets to one of the televised competitions and wins a match, Smiling Dave Clark would not have a fucking clue what he was talking about with that strong Aberdeenshire accent!

Get wired into them Hendo!!

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Been looking at the costs involved in doing a year on the tour ... he'll need to win £15,000 just to break even!

I've not checked the OOM but I dare say that Hendo, along with the rest of the tour debutants, will have to be in the top 40/50 to get that kind of money.

60ish on the OOM last year got circa £15 grand. It is possible that due to this Q school weeding out some of the poorer PDC players this year, that the tougher fields may lead to money being harder to win?

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60ish on the OOM last year got circa £15 grand. It is possible that due to this Q school weeding out some of the poorer PDC players this year, that the tougher fields may lead to money being harder to win?

So what are the total number of places up for grabs in the PDC now that they have introduced this system?

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120 now. Not sure how many people played in previous years, but there was no upper limit until this year.

The weekend events usually got around 110/120 entries every weekend, so things won't be too much different.

Dekker and Winstanley, incidentally, have also knocked back the offer of a tour card for the coming year which means that once the next four tour cards are dished out to tomorrow's winners there'll be cards given to the NINE best performers over the four days of Q School who haven't already got their place (they've been running a points system for the four day event).

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Mick Todd, Peter Hudson, Ian Jopling and Prakash Jiwa all earned their tour cards after today's play.

The nine who have benefited from the points system are:

Andy Brown,

Adam Smith-Neale

Mark Jodrill

Jason Crawley

Terry Temple

Mark Jones

Ken Dobson

Jimmy Mann

Paul Rowley

So that's 25 qualifiers from the Q School, Tricia Wright, Stacy Bromberg and the top 101 from the OOM that give us the 128 Tour Card holders for the 2011 season.

Anyone not in that 128 can still enter qualifiers for the UK Open and the World Championships.

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