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Shirely really got on my tits last night, first of all she had to be forced to go, forced to pretend to be a lesbian and then proceeded to try and stop hunky Andrew getting it on with Hev, what is that all about!!

I think she may have been a bit concerned that she got stuck in the middle of the two of them when they were getting it on but give her a break FFS, she hasn't seen hide nor hair of a walloper since Darren and her created George.

Also, how did Fatboy find Whitney hiding when he had been nowhere near her yet Rob lost her and he had been right next to her. He is a creepy cnut by the way, Whit must have been the only one surprised it was him at the hotel door at the doof doofers too, she surely would have known it was near the end of the programme....

I love Dot as a character she makes me laugh.

Kim needs to have a clean bill of health, I would miss those massive shiny bosoms.:(

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Shirely really got on my tits last night, first of all she had to be forced to go, forced to pretend to be a lesbian and then proceeded to try and stop hunky Andrew getting it on with Hev, what is that all about!!

I think she may have been a bit concerned that she got stuck in the middle of the two of them when they were getting it on but give her a break FFS, she hasn't seen hide nor hair of a walloper since Darren and her created George.

Also, how did Fatboy find Whitney hiding when he had been nowhere near her yet Rob lost her and he had been right next to her. He is a creepy cnut by the way, Whit must have been the only one surprised it was him at the hotel door at the doof doofers too, she surely would have known it was near the end of the programme....

I love Dot as a character she makes me laugh.

Kim needs to have a clean bill of health, I would miss those massive shiny bosoms.:(

Shirley was bloody annoying. I don't know who the hell she thinks she is. I do wish she'd f**k off. She could always sleep in Phil's Jag if she doesn't want to witness Heather finally getting her knickers off.

Onto Phil's Jag though, that car was supposedly a heap not so long back when I think it was Max that had taken ownership of it. I distinctly remember it being referred to as a bit of a heap of shit (although perhaps not in those exact words at 7.30 of a weekday evening). Why is it suddenly his pride and joy again?

Dot Cotton says Chillax. 8)

Yep, I cannot understand how Rob couldn't see Whitney there last night. Stevie Wonder could have spotted her sitting there. Fatboy is as much use as a chocolate teapot and he managed to find her!

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I think she may have been a bit concerned that she got stuck in the middle of the two of them when they were getting it on but give her a break FFS, she hasn't seen hide nor hair of a walloper since Darren and her created George.

Did Minty not slip her a length?

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Yep, I cannot understand how Rob couldn't see Whitney there last night. Stevie Wonder could have spotted her sitting there. Fatboy is as much use as a chocolate teapot and he managed to find her!

Oi, leave fats alone, he is really good to Mrs C and only ever thinks about everyone else, to say he is useless is cruel.:angry:

Did Minty not slip her a length?

Forgot about that, not sure he reached.

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Oi, leave fats alone, he is really good to Mrs C and only ever thinks about everyone else, to say he is useless is cruel.:angry:

Oh, come on, he is a bit! I'm not saying he's a bad guy (although he was really annoying when he first came along), his heart's in the right place, but he's not the sharpest, is he? He let Lola drive one of Max's cars and she's about 15!

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Lads, however much of a cow your mother is, that is not the way to talk to her while you're trying to impress a girl. It makes you look like an arsehole. True, the old bag should have left him to order his own food, but a firm, definite "Mum, I wil order what I want" would have sufficed. What a rude young man. I guess that's what happens when you've had that Rose as a role model. I'm also convinced that he really is the son of Charlie Cotton. Who else could manage a "Hello, Ma" like Nick Cotton without being Nick Cotton's brother?

I notice some revision of history here also. I don't remember Dot having a sister for starters - there was never one mentioned until the last while. Tonight was the first time a brother cropped up too. I distinctly remember Charlie being back with Dot for a while when I was a kid as well, but I don't think there was ever a nod to the fact he'd been off with Dot's own sister. You'd think Dot would have been aggrieved enough for it to have been a topic of conversation at some point.

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I only say that because a woman I know was on Facebook yesterday saying just how hot Rob is. I think he's a munter and a really crap actor, but that's just my opinion.

See Whitney saying "I don't want the police". If I was Fatboy, I'd have told her to bugger off. If some Manc ned had assaulted me, I'd want the bloody police!

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I really do hope that Mandy isn't planning on sticking around. I never liked her the first time, but then I don't know how much of that is down to the fact that I was a teenager with a crush on Sean Maguire or how much is down to the fact that she was never a particularly likeable character. Possibly even some of this stems from the fact that Nicola Stapleton is a terrible actress.

So, Ryan's alive but buggered off and Lauren was bothered for a whole five minutes before she was deciding which of the Moons she wants instead. Whitney's little rant about Lauren making it all about herself on Monday was quite good though. Someone needs to slap some sense into her. I'd gladly volunteer.

My favourite line of last week has to be Heather's "I went looking for George and ended up with... Andrew!". Looks like I called it right on that lad's parentage as well.

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Mrs M, this thread is fast becoming your Eastenders blog!

It's been a poor couple of days I think, had a little laugh at Ian getting nicked.

The Darren/Jodie/Vanessa thing is boring me to tears at the moment.

I was starting to think I was the only one watching!

Vanessa, as you know, is my least favourite person on the square. I think she ought to bugger off and take her daughter and future son in law with her.

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Darren really is a wee p***k at the moment.

Pocketing £500 from the sale of a £2000 car is really asking for trouble. Start small, take a couple of hundred, it is much less likely to be noticed, it is reasonably obvious that the guy is going to come back with a problem with the car and ask for his money back.

Skiffle music :lol:

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Jack is going to murder him when he finds out. There's bound to be paperwork to show how much the guy paid because it was only after Vanessa stuck her annoying beak in that he decided to pocket the money. Honestly, I don't know who the hell she thinks she is. What's it to do with her? Her comment about it only being 2% he got from the car bugged me. He got a 2% increase on his comission, so he made more than 2% of £2000 anyway, the stupid fecking bint.

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Jack is going to murder him when he finds out. There's bound to be paperwork to show how much the guy paid because it was only after Vanessa stuck her annoying beak in that he decided to pocket the money. Honestly, I don't know who the hell she thinks she is. What's it to do with her? Her comment about it only being 2% he got from the car bugged me. He got a 2% increase on his comission, so he made more than 2% of £2000 anyway, the stupid fecking bint.

There was a wee bit of an error there that I noticed too. Vanessa indicated that 2% of every car sale wouldn't be enough but that was an increase of 2% over and above what he usually gets which hasn't been disclosed I don't think. He may actually already get a decent percentage.

I also heard on the radio today that there have been an increase in enquiries to a certain type of doctor following Tanya's story line.....

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I also heard on the radio today that there have been an increase in enquiries to a certain type of doctor following Tanya's story line.....

I think that's one of the positives about soap stories. It raises an awareness of certain things and puts it in people's minds. A similar thing happened with Jade Goody. The number of women booking smear tests increased quite dramatically for a while. No idea how many lives it may have saved, but it's at least a positive outcome from something like that.

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He is a creepy human being. And I'm bring kind in suggesting that he is a human. He looks more reptilian to me.

What is your guess about where it is going and what the outcome will be?

I have to admit that I kind of switch off to all that is going on with that family.

Felt sorry for Jean again on Friday, at one point the scriptwriters are going to have to write in her getting a good pumping, she deserves one.

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