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Is that Glynnis Barber?!


See where Roxie and Ronnie get their looks from!


It's quite good casting actually, as you can see quite a strong likeness between her, Ronnie and Roxy. She also looks a bit like Danielle.

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Glynis Barber's accent is something that I can see annoying me in the coming weeks. She isn't the best actress either.

Thought last nights episode was OK, it was interesting to see the change in Glenda once she had got what she wanted and then proceeded to have a sly dig at Peggy before turning in for the night.

As for Shirley's little stunt with the phonecall to the Police, I reckon that will come back and bite her on the arse. But will it keep Phil a free man for longer?

Zsa Zsa and her wee chums look like they are going to be annoying as hell, thankfully it's a wee spin off show that they have and we won't be subjected to that tripe during a top class episode.

I'm starting to think that they are going to drag the murder enquiry out for months, which would be the wrong thing to do IMO, let the viewer find out who done it first and see the trying to cover their tracks, that would be more interesting.

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I reckon that's it now for decent viewing for a couple of months.

Archie dead. We'll have to wait ages to find out who did it.

Geroge's dad revealed & Libby knows - will she fall into Wheel's lap?

Sayed & Christian - Will Ameera find out? Snooze fest.....

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I watched the omnibus on the iPlayer last night and I am angered by Wheels' input. At the party, Darren was obviously going through a tough time of it and the cripple is all, "You made your bed, now go home and cry in it". PLENTY. Is it that sort of white-hot wit that Libby will go for?

Shirley is beginning to resemble a scarecrow with each passing episode.

Aye, Leg-Mental really is a pain in the arse. I can totally understand giving somebody a ripping for cheating on their burd with Heather, but everything that comes out that wee p***k's mouth is a dig.

Shirley looks like a scarecrow/Sami Hyppia hybrid.

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Might start making this a regualur thing :P

Billy looks across the Square as DCI Marsden removes the tarpaulin covering the door to The Vic, while Mo moans that the police are dragging their feet in catching Archie's killer. Billy's distinctly unimpressed by Mo's attitude but before he can say anything, he's interrupted by a phone call. Meanwhile, Janine's curious to see Marsden outside The Vic. Later, Marsden calls at Janine's flat and questions why she was out on Christmas Day, before asking Janine about Archie's missing laptop. Billy turns up to see the Mitchells and reveals that he's the executor of Archie's will, prior to revealing that everyone - including Janine - has to be at the reading. Despite Peggy's offer to cook a family meal, Glenda out-does her as she announces that she's booked a table for them all at Fargo's. Peggy puts on a brave face but when she looks through Glenda's case, she finds something intriguing… Meanwhile, Zainab's unhappy when Tamwar mentions Christian but her mood is lifted again when she's shown a postcard from Syed and Amira - and she later shows it to Christian out of spite. After Peter deletes a video message from Lauren off his laptop, he quickly regrets it and turns to Tamwar for help in retrieving the file. Later at the book club's anniversary meeting, Zainab turns up even though Jane didn't invite her, and Denise isn't happy that Heather's in attendance. While Denise and Heather continue sniping at each other about baby George, Darren and Libby, Jane makes it clear to Zainab in the kitchen that she's hot happy by her attitude towards Syed being gay. When Zainab makes a dig about Jane not having children of her own, Jane flips and throws her out. Back at home, Zainab walks in on Tamwar listening to something on the Beales' computer. Despite Tamwar's protestations that there's nothing of interest on the laptop, Zainab demands that he play the file. Zainab's gobsmacked to hear sounds of Ian and Janine in bed together. Elsewhere, the Slaters prepare for Jean's party; Janine tells Whitney that she's used to being called a murderer; Bradley tells Stacey that he can see a small baby bump but Stacey demands that they keep the pregnancy a secret; Stacey panics when she sees DCI Marsden outside and calls Bradley; Bradley reassures Stacey that nobody knows he was in the pub on Christmas Day; Peggy and Phil prepare for Sam's court hearing; Bradley and Stacey feel the baby kick and Jean realises that Stacey's pregnant; Glenda talks to Ronnie and Roxy about her time in France; Jean tells Stacey that a baby may send her over the edge, prompting her to storm out; and Jean discovers the baby scans.

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I like how this thread has turned into seeing how many different phrases can be used for "wheelchair user".

quite sad IMO if people on here had any respect for people in wheelchairs who might use the forum they would say wheelchair user i am in one and nod having a dig at people but the terms cripple and leg-mental do make me cringe a bit

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I thought it was OK, looking forward to the "Mexican standoff" between Jane and Zainab - Zainab knows about Ian's fling with Janine, but will she reveal all and face Jane telling the Sqaure about Syed's relationship with Christian?

It is shaping up to be quite an interesting storyline. I don't see why Ian should be worried about Jane finding out he was humping Janine, she left him afterall. Are you trying to tell me she wasn't being tag-teamed by those lads she was sharing a house with?

I reckon Phil will be fitted up for Archie's murder now. The Police will find some way of tracing the phone call that Shirley made back to her, making it look like she was protecting Phil, and lifting him for that. The evidence will be minimal, but Marsden will be wanting her man at any cost. Either that, or Bradley gets done for it, what with him punching Archie shortly before his demise.

Was disappointed that Wheels wasn't in last nights episode, he is always good to poke fun at.

Does anyone notice a recurring theme in soaps that folk in wheelchairs are often c***s? Look at that Hayley in Hollyoaks. I knew Glen Hoddle was right all along...

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I don't think she'll be able to help herself. It'll come out soon anyway - the other women at the book club should have been grilling her as to what the argument was about. Jane was loaded on red wine and would probably have spilled the beans.

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I don't think she'll be able to help herself. It'll come out soon anyway - the other women at the book club should have been grilling her as to what the argument was about. Jane was loaded on red wine and would probably have spilled the beans.

God, get it right, it was white wine. Jeez...

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He should have just come clean about grafting Janine, but, if you've ever watched an episode of Friends, the "we were on a break line" rarely works. On top of the stolen laptop (which Marsden questioned Janine about), I forsee a difficult time ahead for Beale. The murder storyline and the way it looks like it's panning out seems almost Lynchian in its conceit.

Hayley from Hollyoaks is a mutt. She actually looks like one of those pug dogs.

Quality avatar too, Nick_BCFC.

And she is a scouser, and she is handicapped. God really did deal her a shit hand.

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Tamwar is fast becoming a legend in my eyes, his patter is top notch, he needs to get Lucy Beale drunk and pregnant and it would be complete.

Wheels is a complete tosser, does he ever wash his hair? suppose it would be tough getting his ride in the shower.

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I agree with you about Tamwar - all he needs is a splash of gel in his hair and he's sorted. He's a self-deprecating Muslim, I don't think there's many of them cutting around.

As for Billy Whizz, he's probably got one of those walk-in baths that you see advertised in the People's Friend. I can just imagine his mother opening the door and throwing his useless, twisted body into the bath and turning the shower on for ten minutes.

I hated when he first met the Mint-ster and was like "I can get up the stairs myself" - I'd have taken the wheels of him pronto and told the smelly little twat if he can do the stairs himself the lazy shite can walk around himself.

Edited by rajpelt
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