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The Neighbours Thread

DA Baracus

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Can someone give me an update of whats happened since last tuesday? (preferably on home and away aswell). I kept saying to myself " i'll catch up on demand five in time to watch it on tv ", but i never got round to it and now i would have to sit and watch it for 5 hours now to catch up, so it would be helpful if someone could tell me what has gone on. :)

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Erm let me think.

Zeke is a dj on a pirate radio station. Libby and Dan know about this but Zeke has asked they not tell anyone.

Donna is back!

Donna's brother and sister seem to have left to live with their gran.

Ringo took responsibility for a minor smash after that guy from footy was driving and I assume got a couple of points on his licence.

Them kids have been playing up a bit.

Libby lost her kid.

I'm not sure if Elle is getting the hot beef injection off Lucas now or not.

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I'm not sure if Elle is getting the hot beef injection off Lucas now or not.

Yep he's now moved in with Paul and Elle. Donna has moved in with her Mum just now as she has reported Paul to the police for stalking/assaulting her. She has of course made everything up.

Also I'll put a catch-up with what's been happening in H&A in the thread.

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A month ago Zeke had no idea who the hell he was and now he suddenly remembers every little detail about Katya and Guy? His amnesia cleared up pretty quickly! :rolleyes: If it wasn't for Donna and Elle, I think I would stop watching.

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Guest SavotheGreat
*Hyperventilating* Lily, Lily, LILY ALLEN WILL BE APPEARING ON NEIGHBOURS!!! :D Turns out she will film a guest appearance next month when she does her tour of Oz. I'll post a link when I find one but it was on teletext earlier.

Apparently she appears alongside Zeke. Ach well you can't have everything.

EDIT: Here's the link:


Nice one. Got a date? Maybe you could call her and ask her when she's due to appear so I don't miss it. cheers.

Can someone give me an update of whats happened since last tuesday? (preferably on home and away aswell). I kept saying to myself " i'll catch up on demand five in time to watch it on tv ", but i never got round to it and now i would have to sit and watch it for 5 hours now to catch up, so it would be helpful if someone could tell me what has gone on. :)

Yeah, sure.

Monday: pish.

Tuesday: pish.

Wednesday: pish.

Thursday: pish.

Friday: pish.

And repeat.

I'm not sure if Elle is getting the hot beef injection off Lucas now or not.


Ya, she is.

"We don't need money to watch the sun coming up together"

f**k OFF 'DIDGE!!!!!!!!!!!

She is such a shit actress, I can't wait until she is written out. She's got one of those faces, you know completely fucking self-righteous. The type of face you want to stick in a vice and slap with a fish, repeatedly.

A month ago Zeke had no idea who the hell he was and now he suddenly remembers every little detail about Katya and Guy? His amnesia cleared up pretty quickly! :rolleyes: If it wasn't for Donna and Elle, I think I would stop watching.

Lol, what makes me laugh most about this thread is the fact we all complain about it constantly yet still we continue to tune in.

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Cass has now joined the queue of people I want to kick square in the face. I don't think she's that nice looking and she just annoys me. Yesterdays storyline was actually quite good, it did draw me in. However they should've drawn it out for longer and made it slightly more high tempo instead of it being broken up by Lucas standing there like a lemon with his camera.

The phone thing at the end there was quite creepy, I would brick it if someone did that to me. It's given me some ideas if someone starts getting on my tits :P

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Hopefully the bad guy will climb in Zekes window during the night and smash his face in with a hammer.

While hes at it , he might as well cross the street and kill that annoying little shit Mickey.

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While hes at it , he might as well cross the street and kill that annoying little shit Mickey.

He's leaving! Apparently he's finished filming his last scene and will finally be off our screens in early Autumn. I really despise him. Did you know his wee brother plays Ben? :o I never knew that.

I hope Guy Sykes goes on a mass serial killing, taking Zeke, Ben, Mickey (and that FECKING dog), Cass, Calum and that new one, Sunny Lee or whatever the f**k she's called. I think she might be the most annoying character now, which is no mean feat. She serves no purpose, she is ugly as sin and annoys the hell out of me. WHAT IS THE POINT IN HER?!

I'm sitting here honestly wondering to myself why I watch it anymore. It is truly awful. Not even so bad it's good - it's just appaling. It used to be good. It had great characters with good storylines. Now it has shit, boring characters who all do the same thing (gym, dingoes, etc etc) with no interesting storylines. Think about it, when was the last major gripping storyline that Neighbours had? I can't think of one :(

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