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Which football fanbase is most pro/anti independence?

Casual Bystander

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As far as I'm aware the only club who's fans have ever done anything remotely independence related is Hibs.

Flower of Scotland/Alex Salmond chants (not that I think that's what independence is all about but hey ho) at Ibrox on two different occasions, a shit tonne of Yes flags at the derby recently. I read a thread about it on Hibs.net once and most of those old moany c***s were textbook no voters, but generally Hibs are the only support who seem to have nailed their colours to the mast.

The Old Firm are both just old Labour, Unionist b*****ds.

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Anti Independence: Sevco/St Mirren/Airdrie/Hearts/Hibs/Falkirk

Pro independence: NOT Celtic imo, I'd say the two Dundee clubs, Motherwell perhaps seem to be yes leaning


Leith is probably the most pro-Independence neighbourhood in the whole country.

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It would seem that merely down to the size of the fanbase, that Falkirk has the biggest number of shitehawks. I'm guessing it's some sort of mutation due to the gasses from Grangemouth. Dundee not far behind. Another small club yet absolutely riddled with greeting faced nodrones.

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Anti Independence: Sevco/St Mirren/Airdrie/Hearts/Hibs/Falkirk

Pro independence: NOT Celtic imo, I'd say the two Dundee clubs, Motherwell perhaps seem to be yes leaning


The whole of Leith is like a massive Yes Scotland poster parade at the moment. Every second c**t you see at games is wearing some kind of Yes memorabilia as well.

I know these things don't count for much but if there's a "silent majority" amongst Hibs' support they're not only staying silent, half of them are pretending to be Yes voters.

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Poll on Celtics forum. Everything and every Celtic fan I know is a YES and constantly see YES stuff at their games.

The problem with Celtic fans' support is that they have the affiliation with supporting terrorism too. I wonder whether the Green Brigade could get some of those natty banners they hold up at games in favour of independence, maybe with some random and contrived quote about Bobby Sands and Alex Salmond fighting for a free Palestine.

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I live in Leith and there are a lot of yes posters but I wouldn't say there's any more than in other parts of Edinburgh and Edinburgh is a nailed on No vote

Absolute pish. There's f**k all Yes anything in any non working class parts of Edinburgh, and Edinburgh will be a nailed on no because the working class areas will be two thirds yes one third no and the middle class bits (more than half the city I'd say) will be all no's.

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The problem with Celtic fans' support is that they have the affiliation with supporting terrorism too. I wonder whether the Green Brigade could get some of those natty banners they hold up at games in favour of independence, maybe with some random and contrived quote about Bobby Sands and Alex Salmond fighting for a free Palestine.

I know it is not what the referendum is about but the green brigade are very anti salmond/snp

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I live in Leith and there are a lot of yes posters but I wouldn't say there's any more than in other parts of Edinburgh and Edinburgh is a nailed on No vote

Uh-oh, making the classic rookie mistake of assuming Leith is Edinburgh. If you know your history you'll know that Leith never voted for assimilation, it was all dodgy political shenanigans. Rather apt really considering it's the same way Scotland found itself in the Union.

Edinburgh, though, as we all know, is de facto English. In the same way West Berlin was not East Germany, Edinburgh is not Scotland.

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Absolute pish. There's f**k all Yes anything in any non working class parts of Edinburgh, and Edinburgh will be a nailed on no because the working class areas will be two thirds yes one third no and the middle class bits (more than half the city I'd say) will be all no's.

There's about ten Yes signs for every No sign in Marchmont/Bruntsfield, which (pleasantly) surprised me.

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We seem to be pretty Yes,most people on my bus are voting Yes, along with the poll on Steelmen Online and the fact that we have a big f**k off Yes advert on the away stand.

Does Motherwell not have a small unionist/loyalist element to a minority of their support.

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