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    South Yorkshire.
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  1. Didn't have a great view at the time as there were bodies in the way, but it's clear in that that video he moves his arm toward it and propels it forward. Not a huge movement, but enough. Had it just hit his arm then dropped down it probably wouldn't be given.
  2. As Dowds strikes it. I put up the previous image to show he had already moved off the line before it was struck, but the Weegie luvvies seem in the mood for an argument.
  3. He checked it and seemed happy enough. Most penalty marks are well worn through use so the rest of the mark is probably in a little hollow just in front of the bit you can see.
  4. Always amazes me that people who buy or rent property near a stadium feel they have any say on what happens there. Surely they weighed that up in the buying process?
  5. I'll have two from the top and any three from the rest please, Rachel.
  6. Wouldn't be upset if they were both banned! Spent 40+ years in same place at the back of the Somerset Road end, just in line with the left hand post. Moved to the north stand this season to get away from that f%#@&ng drum.
  7. A better solution would be the idiots adhere to the law and don't take them into the ground.
  8. That pair still arguing? Gonnae take it elsewhere lads and gie us peace? Ta much.
  9. To paraphrase our county neebors; Hhhaarrryyy Kkaanne Hhhaarrryyy Kkaanne Won f all and never will Won f all and never will
  10. They've given us hope. The b*****ds.
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