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Bairn in Exile

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    In the bad books on here coz I take the piss
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  1. Surely there comes a tipping point in every player’s career where, no matter how brilliant you have been in the past, you are no longer the player that you once were and should be prepared to accept a lower wage offer? For some players that might happen when they are 30, for others maybe when they are 35, you can’t impose a rigid, “one size fits all” wage structure depending on a player’s age. Indeed the chances are that an older player isn’t going to be able to play as many games a season as he once did so again should be realistic and accept reduced terms, not expect enhanced terms. I’ve been Googling to get some actual examples to quote but to no avail. From memory, and I’m going back a rake of years here, I remember Gordon Strachan at one time being offered something like half of what he had been earning under his immediately previous contract to re-sign.
  2. I've suggested playing Agyeman through the middle before myself, I think that he has the heft and height to carry it off. Yes, I agree, Alfie is frustrating for me too in that he is very inconsistent when played out wide so why not see if he is better suited to playing through the centre? The game against Stenny is too important to experiment with Alfie then so it would be good if we could get a bounce game fixed up between Saturday and the QP game next Friday to give it a try. With all that being said, McGlynn might well have tried Alfie in the middle before in training and it didn't work out, who knows?
  3. I'm assuming the red squares are the seats that are already sold? I suppose the block to the right is the ultras then? You would have thought that they would have gone for the block immediately behind the goals?
  4. Cards on the table, when we signed MacIver I wasn’t too happy as I was one of those fans “who don’t know anything about football” and only viewed his goals scored stats. Since then, his performances and all round contribution to the team have shown me how wrong I was and won me over. However, last season his fellow professionals opted for Burrell instead of MacIver for their League One team of the season and in theory they do know something about football. One can only assume that like many of us previously, they only looked at his effectiveness (i.e. goals scored) in isolation too, rather than seeing what he brought to the team as a whole. Edit: Oops, spelt MacIver's name wrong and I hate to see that with Nesbitt, Agyeman etc. My bad.
  5. You ratbag! I saw a Falkirk fan had posted on Summer Transfers and I came on the thread to see that it was old news. I was hoping for a new signing. Please don't do that again, eh?
  6. Mate, if this was a horse race, your entry has fallen at the first hurdle and broken all four of its legs. The vets are now putting the sheets around it just prior to putting it out of its misery.
  7. I've lost the audio but I'm not having so much buffering on the picture, an equitable trade-off.
  8. my replays were in psychedelic, luminous green. I signed up for the deluxe package, of course.
  9. Nonsense, it's a great name for a sponsor, up there with the Toughsheet Stadium at Bolton.
  10. You mean go out of business? Paranoid by name, paranoid by nature, eh? It'll never happen mate, you'll just stiff your creditors like before and carry on as if nothing happened.
  11. So, which is the better of the 2 black kits? Vote now. My vote goes to Clydebank.
  12. Fair dos, but everybody makes mistakes, nobody is infallible.
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