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Kircer bairn

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Posts posted by Kircer bairn

  1. Just now, ebobsboy said:

     What we will need to guard against whilst speculating about possible signings is other teams coming in for our players. It won't have gone unnoticed after this season sometimes you are victims of your own success. 

    I agree but isn’t this the nature of football………swings & roundabouts & all that.

  2. 2 hours ago, SuperAnnan said:

    Bunch of miserable b*****ds for still being unbeaten 🤣

    Think what you are reading is pure frustration at the fact we completely outplayed a one dimensional part time outfit for the vast majority of the game but dropped two points as the result of Dross’s diving, refereeing incompetence & not being clinical in the box. Hopefully you return to your rightful division & Stirling turn you over next week……..nothing personal.


    a by a

  3. 47 minutes ago, accies1874 said:

    Despite not being very good, I did think that we had two or three really nice passages of play in the first half and Scott Martin's 45 minutes on the park was a joy to watch. Henderson was a lot better in the second half when he moved inside and Lewis Smith was impressive.

    Everything else? Not much fun. 

    Good that SM getting his fitness up before he moves to us in the summer 👍😎 

  4. 1 hour ago, NavyBlueArmy1876 said:

    342 tickets left for the North Stand now, around 6,600 in total sold 

    Obviously we've already surpassed our highest home gate, but not many total attendances left to top now since we moved to the new stadium:

    7,926 vs Dundee Utd 16/17
    7,851 vs Hibs 15/16
    7,804 vs Sevco 15/16
    7,735 vs Hearts 14/15

    7,672 vs Hibs 14/15
    7,636 vs Kilmarnock 15/16
    7,492 vs Sevco 14/15
    7,488 vs Sevco 15/16

    7,279 vs Dunfermline 22/23
    7,081 vs Hibs 15/16
    7,003 vs Hearts 714/15
    6,947 vs Dunfermline 10/11
    6,927 vs Sevco 14/15

    Should be able to get by a few more of these I reckon. I've highlighted the games in red where the opposition were given the increased 3,400 allocation 

    For reference we had 7,300 for the last ever game at Brockville and trophy day vs Inverness in 02/03 



    Great work 🙌

    Wonder if it’s time for the Gazebos again……🤔

  5. 5 minutes ago, Ian Mcleod said:

    This full "you have no fans" patter is the sort of thing i would expect from the old firm do better. 

    See the cash flow problems starting to bite with no floodlights on towards end of match when darkness & rain made it difficult to watch in person & via TV coverage……….sorry Accies boyz but some people are not being honest here & the 400 of you staying loyal to your team deserve more transparency during these difficult days.

  6. 4 minutes ago, 18BAIRN76 said:

    Who’s Ben Williamson, why is he going all Kevin Keegan in the press and why is “the most buzzing (he’s) ever been for a game” coming against a Falkirk side that have already romped to the title?

    Only quoted as he’s the ex Sevco star……..allegedly……..odds on in my book for red card trying to take out a real star , Dylan Tait 

  7. 52 minutes ago, WattersIsGod said:

    McPake hasn't been with us long enough to be considered and nobody else from our team deserves to even come close.  i think Fyvie/Burrell/Wales/Steven are all worthy of consideration based on what i've seen. i'd expect there to be 5 or 6 Falkirk players in the selection at a minimum.

    Whilst I appreciate that Burrell goal scoring justifies his consideration I can’t see the rationale for Fyvie given both his injury record & the times I’ve seen him against us. In my opinion he would struggle to make our bench. 

  8. Hi Accies fans,

    One can’t help notice how very quiet ots been of late on this thread so until a match thread comes along here’s a few teasers to tempt one or all three of you into a response

    Are you looking forward to welcoming the Champions this Saturday?
    Do you reckon you can stop Dylan Tait running the show? 
    Will you be able to stop the Bairns’ juggernaut from steamrolling you boys?
    Can you keep fit players on the park?
    Will Kevin O Hara be missing again?

    Answers on a postcard please 😉


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