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Kircer bairn

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About Kircer bairn

  • Birthday November 29

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  1. Going out on loan I hear to team down the road
  2. Maybe Rankin going for two up top hoofball like Brown
  3. Be interesting to see how Brown’s hoofball tactics get on this season & maybe the sycophants down in Ayr will be in for a bumpy ride once the route one tactics are found to be as successful as his managerial gig down south.
  4. You guys never believed me when I told you about imminent cash flow challenges…….
  5. Heard he’s on £10k pw plus bonuses……..surely not sustainable on your crowds.
  6. How long do you reckon Broonie will be with you guys before he gets another gig down south or returns to east end to be part of Brendan’s backroom staff. Asking for a friend
  7. Yeah I will bite…….we outplayed you all night playing football built-up from back & through the lines whilst you reverted to long (hoof)ball from early doors which our second string back 4 coped with all night apart from the goal. As said by many of your own support we were extremely unlucky to not get at least a draw & given players still to return from injury it augers well for season ahead & predict we finish above you lot in league quite comfortably. On a separate note expected Broonie’s team to be more tactically astute & at least attempting to play sone silky passing footie but clearly his risk averse hoofball to Dowds & Oakley negates that idea.
  8. I think that’s a decent price for the club given they were talking around £400k few months ago
  9. Looking forward to trip to Somerset tomorrow & reckon we will be a couple goals up by this time
  10. High press is certainly a tactic we use very successfully right enough
  11. Shame for you he won’t be on park tomorrow night as his record in management is not so positive.
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