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  1. Yep any sort of win will be 2nd at worst. Mind you looking at other groups now we may need a few goal win to be one of the best 3 runner ups
  2. 1 back for Buckie. As long as DU only score a couple more any win v Stenny should be at worst 2nd place for us, looking at other tables we would definitely be through. Mon the Buckie
  3. Great result, puts us in a much stronger position. Hoping for a narrow DU win tonight and we could sneak 1st place if we beat Stenny comfortably
  4. Alfie has a part to play for us. Contributes a lot more than Ross Imo
  5. Watching on ftv, deservedly scored a few - good gamble by Mcglynn to all out attack and try and out score them today
  6. Could barely get a game for us when we went down 5 years ago. No tears here
  7. His one complete brain fart as our manager. Abysmal signing. But that’s been his only one, a much better record than most
  8. Goal difference is the deciding factor for group if points are level so crucial we scud Buckie and stenny. Annoying the Buckie game isn’t at home - that’s a real advantage compared to going up there. Ayr will finish on 9 points at least most likely.
  9. Good runout tonight, better team but Ayr were comfortable second half which is a slight worry Their new stand is a beauty, possibly my favourite ground in Scotland now Again I don’t think we have anything to worry about relegation wise but top 4 should be seen as a real achievement. Lots of strong teams this year who are looking up not down
  10. A couple of posters mentioned we may need back up or competition and that isn’t allowed. Even Falkirk daft aren’t allowed to comment anymore.
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